Wednesday, November 26, 2008

They Made It!

Mom and Dad Fowler made it to Chicago last night after being treated to some of our best rush hour traffic on 55. It is great to see them. They are very excited for another grandchild. I promised to do the best I could to get this one out as soon as possible.

Ripe and Ready

Today the doctor said that I was 2+ centimeters dilated and the head is 2- station. I could go at any time. Last night my left breast leaked. Moving in the right direction! The doctor scheduled an induction for next Thursday if I don't go before - at least we know the latest possible arrival date.

Friday, November 21, 2008

I've Dropped

Today, the doctor confirmed what friends at work had been saying all week - that I've dropped. Or, more accurately, the baby has dropped into position in my pelvis. This explains the increased need to pee, sharp pelvic pains, and feeling like my legs are disconnected from my hips. Things area headed in the right direction and the doctor promised me I won't be pregnant forever.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Too Excited

Sometimes, My Bologna is too excited to ask for his dinner properly

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Much the Same

Yesterday's doctor appointment went well - things haven't changed much since last week and things could progress at any time now. We finally packed our bag for the hospital and got the car seats installed (thanks again to Steph and Heather for the car seat donations!). Ben and I are starting to feel very excited about this new adventure - it feels very real, very imminent. Last night we had a movie night date and tomorrow we take my Bologna to the weekly Sunday morning puppy free for all in Riverside. Who knows how long it will be before we can do these things again.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Was That a Contraction?

On Saturday night, Ben had a gig at a Bar Mitzvah and I was home with My Bologna cooking some Mac & Cheese when I felt a strong cramping sensation in my abdomen and sides. As I bent over to deal with the pain, I suddenly thought, "This could be it!" Rather than check to see what time it was - or how long the sensation was lasting - I ran (walked/ran) to find a bag to pack for the hospital (nope, not packed yet). Then I couldn't remember what I should pack. The only thing I could think of was my sister recommending that I bring a couple of tank tops. Unable to recall if I even had one, I yanked my underwear drawer out of the bureau and dumped all the contents onto the bed. By the time the feelings had subsided, I had confirmed that I did not have any tank tops in my underwear drawer. I also did not have any more of those "contractions" again. When Ben got home late that night, I told him we need to go to Target and buy tank tops - and we did - the next day - and they're now packed. Now, what else will I need??

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Less than 3 weeks to go

At yesterday's OB appointment, the doctor said I was a bit more dilated and that my cervix was "nice and soft and loose". She said she expects this little one to just "fly right out". Let's hope it's that easy! We also took My Bologna to the vet for his annual check up and shots yesterday. All looks good with him but we've got to give him pills for some allergic sores that he keeps licking. Now he gets a special peanut-butter surprise 2x/day. He loves it!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Weeks, Days, or Hours

At my last OB appointment last week, the doctor said my cervix was about 1 centimeter dilated and she could feel the baby's head during an internal exam. When I asked what that meant, she said, "it means the baby is in a good position and that you could deliver in weeks, days, or hours." What?! What kind of "medical" advice is that?! Can't they do any better than that?! I'm trying to be Zen about the whole thing but haven't been very successful lately. I'm sure hormones have nothing to do with it.