Monday, December 6, 2010


A few days ago, Dexter bent over and unexpectedly performed a perfect somersault. He and I both couldn't believe it! He has managed to do a couple more perfect ones since (and many imperfect ones). He's got a fabulous arabesque as well. Considering his natural balance and love of movement, I would sign him up for gymnastics but the class is currently held during his nap time. Maybe in the summer.

Alternating Feet

Ever since Dexter has started climbing up and down stairs, he's led with his right foot. I was concerned that his leg strength wouldn't develop evenly and asked the doctor about this at his 2 year appointment the other day. She said not to worry about it until he's 3. Yesterday, on his own, without any prodding from me, he walked up the back stairs to the house alternating his feet.