Monday, January 27, 2014

Inspired by Elissa's Colored Ice Balls

Elissa told me about making colored ice balls with Ian during the last deep-freeze. We decided to give it a try with Dexy.  We filled balloons with water and food coloring and then put them out in the snow to freeze.

After peeling away the balloon casing, we ended up with beautifully colored ice balls that we used to line our front walkway. Unfortunately, the drifting snow quickly covered them up.

Momentum Experiment

The other day when I came home from work Dexter couldn't wait to tell me about the "momentum experiment" that he conducted with Daddy in the basement. They placed a toy pig on a skateboard and pushed it into the wall. When the skateboard stopped, the pig kept going into the wall!

Next, they tied the pig onto the skateboard and when they repeated the same experiment with this single adaptation, the pig stopped at the same time the skateboard did.
The additional variable of My Bologna's excited barking did not change the outcome. Dex explained that they had seen the experiment on Sid the Science Kid and wanted to try it out. I was so happy that Dex has a Daddy who does these things with him. I was also really happy that he got pictures of it!