Saturday, November 16, 2013

Fast Hands Trophy

For all of the Tiny Tigers, the "judges" did not give a score but rather gave them feedback about something they thought the child performed really well. In Dexter's case, they liked his "fast hands".  At the end, all the kids received a (huge) trophy. Dexter's trophy did not have his name on it but it did indicate his "fast hands" accomplishment. When I asked Dexy later what his favorite part of the tournament was, he replied, without missing a beat, "Getting the trophy."

Songahm One

A couple of weeks ago, I took Dexter to his first ever Tae Kwon Do tournament. He "competed" in the Tiny Tigers ring where he went through his Songahm One form. His regular instructor, Ms. Garcia, was a "judge" in his ring but another judge helped him through his form (all of the Tiny Tigers had a helper leading them through the form). "Give it up for Dexter!!!"