Saturday, May 25, 2013

Sunshine Cake

When I told Dexy that we would be going to a party today, he asked whose birthday it was. I explained that it wasn't a birthday party, it was a grown up party (students in the PhD program are having a BBQ). Then he asked whose grown up birthday it was.  I decided to embrace the "birthday" idea and Dexy and I made a sunshine cake to bring to the party.  Dexy helped make and decorate the cake. It was his idea to make a smiley face (good idea!).

Happy Sunshine Cake, Happy Dexter.

Happy Sunshine Cake, Unhappy Dexter (tired of Mommy taking pictures).

Birthday Greetings

Mommy forgot to pick up a birthday card for Dexter's friend Ian's birthday ("school Ian", not "Ian H").  We used a cute blank card and Dexter wrote the birthday greeting all by himself. Surprisingly, it was legible enough for the mom to be able to read it aloud when she opened it. It elicited oohs and ahhs from all the mothers and the grandmothers. I could tell that Dexter was proud of himself.

Home Sweet Home

We now have bird families residing in each of our backyard birdhouses. Dexter loves to look out the back window to see what the birds are up to.

Eating Green Beans with Chopsticks

Ben and I found children's chopsticks in the $1 bin at Target. Dexter has trouble with real chopsticks so we thought the rhino at the top that holds the two sticks together might help him get the hang of it.

 He didn't maintain proper form but...
He managed to get the job done!

No Bees Allowed

Earlier this week, Dexter and Daddy were pulling weeds and preparing the vegetable garden for planting when Dexter discovered a bee hovering nearby.  He decided to make a sign indicating "no bees allowed" - chalk on sidewalk drawings of bees with X's through them.

Perceptions of Mommy

I love that Dexter (with help from Ms. Lois) recorded his perceptions of Mommy and gave the document to me for Mother's Day. I especially love that he took off about 20 years and countless pounds! I'm not sure why he thinks I would like to be a princess but I do know that he loves me when he greets me excitedly saying "Mommy! Mommy!" It's a little sad that his perception of how I like to spend my free time is working on the computer but it's also an accurate observation these days (there is no such thing as free time for Mommy!). Such a beautiful Mother's Day gift.

My Bologna On-Line

We leave the computer for one minute and My Bologna is searching for cat videos on You Tube!

Looks like we're going to have to start using parental controls!