Sunday, December 28, 2014

Front and Center

Dexter's school had a holiday performance held at the local high-school. Dex, and all the other kindergartners kicked off the show with a rousing rendition of  "It Must Be Santa". Ben and I were shocked to see Dexter front and center!

This was followed by the Jamaican classic (that no one had ever heard of), "Christmas Comin'," in which Dexter had a starring role. Ben and I were shocked to see that Dexter had a primary drum-playing role!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Mommy's Best Birthday Ever!

Despite trying to forget about my birthday this year (why bother, it just reminds me that I'm getting older), Ben and Dexter made it the best birthday ever. First, Dex and I went to the Christmas service at Daddy's church gig (Dex and I had a yummy breakfast date while Ben had practice prior to the service).

I got to see Dexter join all the other children in the procession that started the service.

When we got home, it was time for birthday cake and presents. Dex made the most amazing "coloring book" for me. Ben said it was all his idea and that he had never seen Dexter so focused.
It took hours over the course of a couple of days but I ended up with a fabulous "20 pages My First Power Book". The first ten pages consisted of various trucks (with descriptions written by Dexter).
The next ten pages consisted of hot rods (with descriptions dictated by Dexter and written down by Ben).As I colored the first page, Dex stood next to me providing positive feedback and encouragement, "Great job coloring, Mom."

Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Hole Family

Dex's school hosted a "Santa's Workshop" where the kids could purchase gifts for their family members. We gave Dex a few dollars and some ideas and he came home from school with wrapped gifts for everyone in the family as well as one gift from him for the whole family.

I don't know who they had helping with Santa's Workshop but I certainly hope it wasn't teachers...

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Brothers from Another Mother Birthday Lunch

Because Ian was unable to attend Dexter's birthday party, Elissa and I thought it would be nice to take the boys to a train restaurant. The boys thought it was a good idea as well!

 They both ate nuggets and fries,
played arcade games, and activated all the animations on the train track.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas Tree Transport and Trimming

My Bologna has been retired from his annual job pulling the Christmas tree home on a sled (you did a great job all those years, My Bologna!). Dexter has taken over the duties using the little red wagon.

My Bologna still partakes in the trimming of the tree in his role as Supervisor.

Dex very intentionally chose a scraggly tree that was all by itself - he insisted on bringing that tree home so it wouldn't be lonely. We made him look beautiful.

Birthday Builders

Dex had a blast at Ian's 7th birthday! It was at the Home Depot where the staff instructed all the children on how to build a Trojan Horse bank.

Dex took the task very seriously, listening to the instructor and reading directions. "This is a hammer."
I could tell he was really concentrating when his "Gunker tongue" popped out.
 Super concentration for screwing.
 Pleased that he sees it all coming together.
Thanks for an awesome party, Ian!!!

70th Birthday Party

A friend and colleague of mine had a party to celebrate his 70th birthday party. Luckily, his grandchildren were there so Dex had some playmates.

Breakfast with Santa

Dexy's school had a "Breakfast with Santa" fundraiser where Dex got to meet Santa and tell him what he wanted for Christmas.

I was hoping he would say, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth," but Dex had other ideas: some more wooden curved tracks for his trains and a game called Domino Rally.
After meeting Santa, we all enjoyed a pancake breakfast in the cafeteria.

 Dex made me proud using his utensils!
Then Dex found a couple of "life sized" Christmas decorations!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

"Don't You Swallow That Tooth!"

I should preface this entry by noting that I am completely freaked out by loose teeth. They give me the heebie jeebies. I should also note that Dex is completely freaked out by blood. He can't stand it, doesn't want to look at it, and needs to have any blood cleaned from a wound and the wound covered immediately.

So Dex and I were home alone a few afternoons ago and he still had one wobbly tooth. He really enjoyed coming up to me with a big, wide grin and wiggling that thing all around - really making me squirm. So he had been enjoying making me squirm and then he got engrossed in a TV program while I started working on the computer. Before long, I heard Dex shout, "Oh no!" I looked over at him and saw he was holding his mouth slightly open with a shocked look on his face. "What is it?" I asked? He said he knocked his wobbly tooth while he biting his shirt (how many times have I told him not to bite on the fabric of his shirt?). "Is your tooth still in?" I asked. He said it was but that his mouth tasted funny. "Let me look," I said.

Sure enough, he must have given that tooth a little tug because it was hanging on by a thread and bleeding. I mustered every bit of motherly love that I could and asked, calmly, "Do you want me to pull that out for you?" Dex was having none of that but by now had noticed the blood on his fingertips that he had had poking around in his mouth. "Is it bleeding!!!??" he asked. I calmed his down by giving him some water and washing off his fingers. He was still refusing my repeated offers to pull it and decided to just go play with some of his vehicles.  I went to the kitchen and got myself some crackers. Dex heard the rustling of the bag and came running, "I want some!"  "OK," I said, "Just be careful and if your tooth comes out, don't swallow it." "OK," he replied. Within seconds, Dex was shouting with relief, "It's out!" "Don't you swallow that tooth!" I shouted as I ran to look in his open mouth. "Where is it?" I asked as I was poking my fingers around in his mouth.

"I swallowed it." Dex said nonchallantly, "Can we go to Culvers for dinner?" We did go to Culvers for dinner and over custard I told Dex he was going to have to explain to the Toothfairy what had happened to his latest tooth.

What he came up with was akin to a confession. I asked if he wanted to add, "I'm sorry." But he didn't, explaining, "the Toothfairy will understand."
Evidently the Toothfairy did understand (but she also supported Mommy and Daddy in trying to help Dexter kick the tooth-swallowing habit).

Friday, December 5, 2014

Six Years Old!

 On Dexter's actual birthday morning, Ben and I surprised him with ice cream cake for breakfast and family gift opening.
He loved the special card from the Ewers - it had a punch out crop duster! He also loved the Porche from Uncle Rob and the Rescue-Bot from Grandmama and Grampy.
Dex wasted no time incorporating all of his new "vehicles" into the mix.

Happy Anniversary, Fuzzy Monkey

10 years ago, Ben and I adopted My Bologna on the day after Thanksgiving. He continues to bring so much love into our family. We are forever grateful that he came into our lives. Happy Anniversary to our fuzzy monkey. Enjoy your new "puppet", Owlie.

Tooth Number 5

Dex lost his 5th baby tooth during his bath on Thanksgiving evening. Although keeping up with the trend of losing his tooth in the bathtub, he broke the pattern by not swallowing it this time!

Dex drew a picture on his note to the Toothfairy and
Daddy wrote out Dexter's "clever" dictation.
The Toothfairy had her own clever response.