Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Anywhere, Anytime

We had been encouraging Dexy to stop using his potty seat and just go on the big toilet but he had been resisting, insisting that it was too big and he would fall in. After our visit with Ian a week or so ago where we learned that Ian goes on the big toilet, I stepped up the encouragement.  Still, Dexy was resisting, insisting that Ian is bigger than he is (we explained that Ian is a year older but that they are about the same size). Last Friday, Dexter announced that he was going to go poop on the big potty - and he did!  He was very proud of himself and Ben and I were also very proud of him.  I excitedly told him, "Now you can go potty anywhere, anytime!"  Perhaps that wasn't the wisest thing to say because Dexy now insists on pooping almost everywhere we go.  Yesterday, I spent 25 minutes waiting for Ben and Dexter to come back from the bathroom at a local restaurant.  Dexter was determined to poop on that potty and he eventually did.