Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy Passover

Last night Ben, Dexter, and I were treated to our first ever Passover Sedar thanks to Elissa and her wonderful family. It was a truly wonderful experience! Elissa did an incredible job preparing all the food, the table, the sedar plate. Grandpa Larry put together a play telling the story of Passover (this was very helpful for Ben and I who were pretty close to clueless). Everybody had a part in the play and I got to voice God's words to Moses: Tell Pharoh to let my people go! Dexter got to play with Ian and his cousins. Ben and I got to partake in some grown up conversations with interesting people. We ate and ate and ate. The food was amazing! I tried gefilte fish and charoses - Dexter could not get enough gefilte fish until he discovered the matzoh ball and then couldn't get enough matzoh ball! I couldn't get enough of the carrot kugel! I feel so honored to have been included in this special celebration with a such a lovely family. My "first time" couldn't have been any better.

Of course, I brought a camera and forgot to take pictures (par for the course). If Elissa has any good ones, I'll post them.