Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hamper Head

Figuring Things Out

For the past three days, Dexter has managed to get at least one arm out of his shirt during naptime. Any bets on how long it will be before he gets himself completely naked during naptime?

All By Myself!

Dexter's "all by myself" phase has begun. When I hear it, I back off and let him do whatever it is by himself. Usually it is followed by, "Need help, Mama." To date, I've jumped in and helped with whatever but I feel now is the time to start encouraging him to continue trying by himself. It's all about coming to terms (both Dexter and myself) with him no longer being a baby.

Driving Lessons

Maybe the demolition derby this summer wasn't the best idea.

Ashton's Birthday

At Ashton's first birthday, I experienced another of those moments when I suddenly notice how grown-up Dexter is. Helping Ashton open his birthday gifts and reading Chicka Chicka Boom. Then he says, "Look at all these street sweepers, Mommy," (referring to all the guests at the party as street sweepers) and I realize that "grown-up" is probably not the right adjective.

Apple-y Deliciousness

Apple Picking

A couple of weekends ago, Ben and I took Dexter apple-picking. He got to sit on some tractors (always a hit with Dexter), take a hay ride into the orchard, and learn to twist the apple off the tree, not pull.