Sunday, June 6, 2010


In preparation for the 18 month doctor's visit, Ben and I started keeping a list of Dexter's current "words". In addition to Mama and Daddy, he says the following fairly reliably:

Baa = ball, bath, baa (sheep), barrel, banana, boots
Beh beh = baby, My Bologna
Bear Bear (a stuffed bear that he sleeps with)
Bun Bun (a stuffed bunny)
Breh = bread
Bir = bird
Sh = shoes
Pul = apple
Puh = up
Ga ar = guitar
Mmmm = good/yummy
Car = car
Vroom Vroom = any vehicle
Hi = hi
Yeah = yeah
Chee = cheese, cheerios
Woof = woof (dog)

We have also heard him say at least once:
Bubba = bubbles
Funky Monkey (a stuffed animal)
Rocky (a stuffed animal)
Deder = Dexter
Ogur = yogurt

Above Average

On Friday Dexter had his 18 month check-up with the doctor. He did great. Shy at first and then flirting up a storm with the nurses and the doctor. He weighed in at 27lbs even - slightly less than when we weighed him at home about a month ago but the nurse said that it's normal at this age for them to jump around a little with their weight. He sprouted up to 33 1/2 inches long. He charted above average (75th percentile) in head circumference, weight, and height. He's growing into his big, round head very nicely.