Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Hunt Is On

Dexter had a blast searching for the eggs that the Easter Bunny had hidden for him. 

The Easter Bunny had to hide them inside because it was a little too damp outside.

 As usual, one egg remained unaccounted for. If we don't come across it soon, eventually our noses will lead us to it...

Easter Basket

Ben and I awoke to Dexter's "oooohs" and "ahhhhhs" over the goodies that the Easter Bunny left for him in his Easter basket.  Interestingly, the Easter Bunny had left the basket in front of Dexy's bedroom door before he had gotten up at 12:30am to go to the bathroom and he somehow did not step on it, knock it over, or (seemingly) notice it.

Fait Accompli!

Creative Process

Daddy, Dexter, and I started the Easter egg dying process around 9am.
Dexter and I continued for about another hour after Daddy left for work. Dexter insisted on writing "STP" on one of the eggs - he had seen it on something the other day. He was a also a master sticker-putter-onner.

Then I revisited the eggs, adding finishing touches throughout the day and evening. Somebody stop me!