Monday, May 28, 2012

Heading Home at the End of a Perfect Day

First Time Kite Flying

Ben and I were so happy to have a full day together as a family (neither of us had to work!).  It was a very hot day so we all went to Menard's to buy some supplies for household projects and a $5 turtle kite.  Dexter "helped" Daddy put a light in Mommy's closet then we all went out to a field (dubbed "Kite Field" by Dexter) and Dexter had his first kite-flying experience.  He got the hang of it right away.

It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

We got some Mister Rogers videos from the library and I got very nostalgic watching them. Ben got inspired to make a paper hat with Dexter.

Calling Grandparents

 Dexter called his grandparents this Memorial Day morning. While talking with Grandma F., he spontaneously put his sunglasses on top of his head just like she wears her's.

Banjo, Dexter style

"When I play banjo, I do finger picking." (Dexter, 2012)

Good Puppy

My Bologna was so good with Ashton who was very interested in My Bologna and would follow him around to give pets.  Ashton was very gentle and My Bologna didn't even flinch each time Ashton came toddling over. I think Dexter broke him in pretty well.

More Good-Byes

Our friends John and Ashley came over with their son Ashton this weekend. Dexter and Ashton played in the pool (provided by John & Ashley) and in the sprinkler.  Ashton was overjoyed to see all of Dexter's vehicles and Dexter was more than happy to "show and tell" for Ashton. John just got a Music Director position at a private boarding school in California so they all are headed west. Good-bye good friends.