Saturday, January 31, 2009

Electric Baby

Did I mention that my friend Madoka (see earlier post for background) had her baby boy on the same day I did? Well, her baby, Sky, sent Dexter this rockin' Hendrix onesie. He wears it well. Thanks Sky!

2 Month Check Up

All looks good according to the pediatrician! Dexter now weighs 12lbs 11oz and is 23" long. His head continues to get bigger (75% percentile) but his little body is catching up. Dexter followed the doctor's light with his eyes and head, showed her how he can hold his head up by himself, laughed and cooed. Then came the shots and some serious screaming and crying...poor boy was fussy and tired for the rest of the day but seems to be back to his smiling, babbling self this morning.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Boy

Usually this kind of glee occurs in the early morning but yesterday it was an all-day affair (after a night of little sleep I guess we both were a little punchy).

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Baby Talk

Dexter has been pretty vocal from day one. He came out with a healthy cry and about an hour after he was born, he started screaming like nobody's business (Ben's face was filled with terror). He's been discovering his voice lately beyond the grunts (feed me) and cries (burp me or hold me) and giggles (keep doing whatever you're doing) that have become the norm. Yesterday we had a bunch of "conversations" where he and I would take turns making sounds at each other. My favorite was when I said, "I love you," and he looked me straight in the eyes and slowly said, "glue". I've got to get a video of this stuff - it's wonderful!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

What Happened to My Smart Husband?

Parenthood takes it's toll on both parents. My formerly brilliant husband has apparently become an idiot. Two examples:

Yesterday, I asked Ben to change Dexter's diaper and he asked me if he needed to take his (Dexter's) pants off first!

This morning, after the 6:30am feeding, I told Ben (who was sleeping in bed) that I was going to get coffee and to keep an eye on Dexter who was talking to himself in his swing. Ben opened his eyes, heard Dexter fussing, and asked me (seriously), "Did you feed him?" Oh my God, I completely forgot! We got engrossed in an hour and a half discussion comparing transcendentalism and existentialism and it never occurred to me to feed him! "Of course I fed him!!!" What did he think we were doing?!

Has he lost his mind?

My New Best Friend

Oh, Cabbage. Who knew I would come to love you so much...I can't eat you now that I'm breastfeeding but I promise not to ever again forsake you for bok choy.

Yesterday, I had my first plugged duct in my breast. Half of the breast got really hard and hot and red. It felt tender and, when breastfeeding, like a long rusty needle stabbing straight up my breast. I tried all the tricks in the book (literally): lots of breastfeeding, massage, warm compress, increasing liquid intake to no avail. Ready to try anything to improve the situation, I sent Ben off to the grocery store at 9pm for a head of cabbage. Elissa had told me that putting crumpled cabbage leaves on the breast could unclog a duct. Sure enough, I spent a half hour with cabbage on my boob, took a hot, hot, hot shower and then let Dexter go to town and he sucked that clog free! There will never not be cabbage in my fridge from now on.

Remembered the Camera...

And forgot to take a picture! But here's a photo of him dressed in his snowsuit ready to travel.

We had a lovely visit to Chapin Hall yesterday. Dexter enjoyed meeting his Chapin Hall family. Who knew Matt Brenner had the magic baby touch?! This kid LOVES him!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


As we prepare for our first winter outing to Chapin Hall, Dexter has a couple of hat options. My mom made the blue hat and scarf and Marjie made the yellow one with little bees. We think he's adorable in them! Notice he's sitting up (unhappily) in the picture of the blue ensemble and doing an impression of Dr. Evil with his pinky finger (not an unusual pose for him) in his bees hat.

Inauguration Day

Dexter celebrated this important and hopeful occasion with a spontaneous "power to the people" pose.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Shake It Like a Polaroid Picture

Dexter likes his rooster rattle. I don't think he has any idea he's holding it but that doesn't damper the fun of shaking it like a polaroid picture!

Excrement Archeology

My Bologna is studying for his degree in excrement archeology by excavating all excrement he finds in the snow.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Flip

Dexter has been flipping himself over to his back during tummy time for the past month but finally we were able to capture it on video this morning!

I Jinxed It!

As soon as I brag about getting five and half hours of sleep, Dexter made sure I didn't get too used to it. Last night he and I were up every two and half hours. I'm exhausted.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Mister Mercurial

I swear to God he was all giggles while the camera was focusing...

Motherhood Sleeping

Despite the fact that Dexter was down from 11pm until 5:30am (I woke up thinking I slept through the 3 am feeding!), I am still not getting more than about 4 hours of sleep at a stretch (although I am praying that Dexter continues on his recent longer sleeping schedule). I also sleep much more lightly than ever before, stirring whenever I hear a grunt, snort, or giggle from the little one in the basket next to our bed. Friends and family who are parents say this is a lifelong change. Still, it's much better than when I was pregnant and had to get up every couple of hours to empty a few unsatisfying dribbles from my bladder. Also, as an added bonus...I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow! For someone who has suffered from the "I can't stop thinking long enough to fall asleep" syndrome most of my life, this is a blessing!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Let It Snow

It's been a cold and snowy winter in Chicago. Despite some really adorable winter outfits, it's been too cold to take Dexter out (we may make a family trip out next week). But My Bologna is loving the snow! He loves to help Ben shovel.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Gravity Sucks

Dexter's first lesson in gravity...

Are You My Mommy?

Dexter seems to have confused the pillow in his swing for my breast. Luckily, I keep a close eye on him and can offer the real thing when he starts this.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Paying Attention

Dexter hasn't yet graduated to sleeping in his crib but we do spend some time there everyday "acclimating". He loves his mobile (thanks Steph!) and follows the blue elephant.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

First Smiles

This week we started getting real smiles from Dexter (usually in the morning). Our camera is slow so we haven't been able to catch and preserve one digitally. Here's a shot of just missing a smile...


I came home from my coffee run this morning to discover that Ben actually CAN multi-task...feeding Dexter and playing with My Bologna.

Praise Jesus

Dexter, like all babies, was born with the moro reflex - when startled by a loud sound he flails his arms and legs out, opens his eyes wide, and then pulls everything back to center. Whenever he does it, we say "praise Jesus" because it reminds us of someone filled with the spirit. Yesterday, Dexter fell asleep mid-praise Jesus...

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Most Annoying Sound on the Planet

Ben brought the shop-vac up from the basement to get rid of all the needles from the Christmas tree and we discovered that the deafening hum of this machine lulls Dexter to sleep in seconds - no kidding! My Bologna doesn't mind the sound but neither of us adults can stand it - otherwise we would run it all night long.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

No more photo red-eye - thanks to JE for explaining Mac basics!

So Sleepy - Yes!

Our neverending appreciation goes out to Elissa and Jason (and Ian) for turning us onto (and lending us) the 2 things that help Dexter sleep like a baby: the swing and the miracle blanket.

So Happy - Not!

Despite what his outfit advertises, Dexter clearly is not "so happy".