Friday, July 12, 2013

Cool Dude

These $1 sunglasses that we picked up at the Dollar Store in Memphis not only protected Dexy's eyes from the rays but it also bought the whole family plenty of entertainment as we watched him walk around saying again and again, "I'm a cool dude."

Boomland Fireworks

When we stopped at Boomland on the drive down to Mississippi, Ben let Dexy pick out some fireworks to set off on the 4th. Dexy had no interest in sparklers: "It looks like I could get hurt."

 The snake was a bust (never got going) but the turtle and the car were very exciting! 
 Dexy had his ears covered (again, "too loud!").
But his eyes were wide open for the fountain finale in the firepit!

Keep the Gooeyness Coming!

We followed the watermelon with smores!

More tasty gooeyness all over his face!

Watermelon Boy

Gunker cut up a watermelon for snack and asked Ben and me how Dexter liked to eat his.  We told him to give him a triangle sliver. Which Gunker did.

Gunker also placed the plate with the rest of the watermelon in front of Dexter who proceeded to eat it all up piece after piece. He must take after his Daddy who thinks that if there is food in front of him, he has to eat it all.
This young one sure can eat the hell out of some watermelon!

Floating Makes My Bologna Thirsty

Or it could have been the near 90 degree weather.
Regardless, My Bologna loved going on that boat - he would follow Gunker down to the dock every morning.

Three Generations of Lansing Men - Stumped

Despite all three's efforts, they were not able to fix the boat's broken radio.

Cap'n Dex

Dexy enjoyed piloting the boat with Daddy as his First Mate.

You can tell he's really concentrating because he's got that tongue hanging out.
He even used his feet to steer! Daddy was impressed. My Bologna was unfazed.
Dexy wanted Daddy to blow the horn but when he did, Dexy covered his ears and hollered, "Too loud!"