Friday, February 15, 2013

Technological Difficulties

It didn't take Uncle Rob more than an hour before he was hooking up his iPad to our TV and streaming the Cars movie for him and Dexter to watch. But the effort was foiled by technological difficulties. The movie would stream for about 20 seconds and then stop for about 20 seconds, until it just stopped.  After troubleshooting every possible culprit, it turns out that the problem was on Apple's end.  For all the mocking Uncle Rob gave me about "living in the dark ages", it was satisfying to inform him that we never have these kinds of problems when we watch a DVD.  Uncle Rob and Dexter ended up watching Eric the Car Guy fix a Subaru Outback on You Tube. Total snooze for Mommy but totally engrossing for Dexy and Uncle Rob.

He Made It!

It was an exciting arrival for Uncle Rob.  Dexter greeted him with shrieking and running.
When things settled down, Uncle Rob showed Dexter his roadmap app on his iPad.

Hot Dog Eating Champ

We had lunch at Hot Doug's today where Dexter ate the exact amount of food that I did: a hot dog and a corn dog.
It looked for a while like Dexter was going to eat the corn dog stick!

Uncle Rob Prep

Dexy has been very excited about my brother, Rob, visiting us this weekend.  For the past 10 days, he's been asking, "Is Uncle Rob coming today?" And we say, "No, Uncle Rob is coming next Friday." And Dexter says, "Is tomorrow Friday?"
Well, today we got to reply to Dexter, "Yes, Uncle Rob is coming today!"  We spent the morning cleaning up and getting the blow up bed ready. In the process of cleaning, we found a bunch of bubble wrap that Dexter enjoyed playing with.