Saturday, July 26, 2014

Where's Daddy?

Dex and I found a prime spot for parade-watching and saw the 2 hour parade from start to finish. Highlights included all kinds of emergency vehicles with sirens blaring, 

 Shriners driving tiny cars (one broke down in front of us and had to be towed behind a regular sized car),
 A huge chicken handing out coupons,
And Uncle Sam on stilts handing out high-fives.

Throughout the parade, Dex would tell the other parade-watchers that his Daddy is playing banjo on the back of a flat-bed tow-truck. But as the last bit of the parade passed us by and we never saw Daddy, I knew something had happened. 

Dex and I headed back to the parking lot where we had dropped Daddy off a few hours earlier only to find that the tow-truck had never arrived, the other musicians left, and Ben spent most of that time playing banjo by himself in the empty parking lot. Poor Dex and Daddy - they both were so disappointed. Luckily, Dex had lots of other fun memories of the parade. Ben not so much.