Friday, August 26, 2011

Tractor-Riding at Sky High Acres

The Classic "Walking in Daddy's Shoes"

Or, in this case, boots.

Summer Sprinkler

I just managed to get all our summer videos downloaded. Here's one from early July of Dexter's first experience with a sprinkler. Despite the fact that the defective sprinkle only offered a few, weak streams of water, Dexter had a ball. "It's fun, Mama!"

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Daddy's Gig, Planes, and a Custom Made Cowboy Hat

Last Sunday Ben had a gig at an outside arts festival in the afternoon so we brought Dexter along. He was so excited all morning about going to "Daddy's gig!". As we drove down the highway, Dexter pointed up in the sky and said, "Plane pulling garbage up there." Sure enough, it was a plane flying an advertisement. Dexy didn't have a clue how accurate he was! Once we got onto Lake Shore Drive, it became clear that it was Annual Air & Water Show - something Ben and I would never attend due to lack of interest in planes and drunken crowds. However, as we were driving, we got to see some pretty amazing stunts and for the rest of the day, Dexter couldn't stop telling people about the "red planes going fast with smoke." The festival was great - we got there early enough to share some pad thai and check out all the artists and craftspeople before Ben played. We met up with friends and Dexter got to see his pal, Ellery. Dexter danced and played with folks throughout Ben's whole set, occasionally yelling, "Hi Daddy!" between songs. Afterwards, a few of us went to James' for a bite to eat. Dexter was still going strong, despite no nap and some periodically revisited disappointment that we weren't going to see any more red planes. We forgot our camera but George got a really cute picture of Dexter in James' custom made cowboy hat.

Pulling a Fast One

The other night Dexter was refusing to eat his pizza for dinner. Instead, he was hollering about wanting a cereal bar. Ben and I told him that he could have a cereal bar after he finished eating his pizza (it was PIZZA, not brussel sprouts for crying out loud!). Without missing a beat, Dexter pointed to an empty spot on his plate, said, "This is pizza right here," then picked up and put in his mouth the pretend piece of pizza! Nice try. Eventually, he ate his pizza and got a cereal bar.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Eat Eats

A visit to Quincy is never complete without a stop at the Maid Rite.

Great Grandma Wolf's Birthday

We visited with Great Grandma Wolf and Ben's mom's side of the family to celebrate Great Grandma Wolf's birthday. While it is difficult for me to keep track of everyone, it was fun to catch up with those I know as well as get to know a few others a little better (it's hard when we only see each other once a year for a couple of hours). I was so happy that Dexter got to meet his second cousin once removed (?), Lukas (Ben's cousin's son). Hi Tabby!

Barges and Bridges

While in Quincy, we also stopped along the banks of the Mississippi River to look at the barges and bridges.

Deer Park at Soldier's Home

As we do every Quincy visit, we stopped by Deer Park to visit the animals. This time, we saw a lot of baby deer and a llama. As always, the critters were intrigued by My Bologna and came up to get a better look/smell.

Super 8

Dexter spent his first night in a BIG big boy bed at the Super 8 in Quincy. After 6 hours driving in the car, fun with his cousins and riding the tractor, Ben and I were hopeful that Dexter would fall right asleep on one of the queen sized beds. We tried to stay as close to the "get ready for bed" routine as possible and Dexter happily got into the bed and snuggled with Quackers. But he didn't stay there. Ben and I decided to try to lie down on either side of him and pretend we were sleeping in order to help Dexy fall asleep. It took over an hour and a half of Dexter lying down then jumping up and happily chatting ("Super 8!" "Dexter in big bed!" "TUVWXY and Z" "Tractor!") before he finally (and suddenly) fell fast asleep. Ben and I quietly got up off the bed, fed My Bologna, and got ready for bed while Dexter slept peacefully in the middle of the queen sized bed. In the morning, I woke to the sound of Dexter's voice right in my ear, "Hi Mama." He was very proud that he slept in the big bed at the Super 8.

Riding Great Gunker's Tractor

Family Time

We had a ball with his cousins and got some special Gunker-time. I love that I caught four generations of Lansing men (and My Bologna) in a photo!

Excitement on the Drive to Quincy

Last weekend, we took a trip to Quincy to visit with Dexter's great grandparents, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, great aunts, great uncles, second cousins, and other relatives on Ben's side of the family. It's usually a 5 hours drive and I usually average about 85 mph while Ben keeps an eye out for speed traps. Well, our usual method of avoiding detection did not work this time and I got pulled over by a state trooper for speeding. While he's asking me for my license and proof of insurance, Dexter is shouting, "Hi police officer!" from his child seat and My Bologna is barking his head off. The cop asked if I had been stopped for speeding in the last year or so and I told him that I hadn't. When he got back from checking his computer he let me go with a warning and, referring to My Bologna, said with a smile, "I'm going to give you a warning. I can't imagine how upset this guy would be if I gave you a ticket."

On our drive home from Quincy the next day, out of the blue Dexter said, "Pull over here, Mama, and wait for the police officer to come."

Cooling Off

Luckily, they had a cool down sprinkler at the county fair - Dexter really needed it!

Country Boy at the County Fair

Dexter couldn't get enough of the animals (bunnies, goats, ducks, pigs, cows, chickens) and tractors. Are we going to have to buy a farm?

Talk Derby to Me!

We took Dexter out to his first Demolition Derby at a nearby county fair a couple weekends ago. He loved it. He still talks about the "race cars in the mud!" The blue car was Dexter's favorite. Can you find Ben and Dexter in the stands?

First Photos

Dexter took his first photos recently. Such an interesting perspective!

Last Day of "School"

They had a party at Dexy's last day of Toddlin' Two's. The kids had a ball. Dexter and Gabby played house (as usual). The "teacher" cried.

Birthday Bash

Dexter's girlfriend, Gabby, had her third birthday at a local ice cream parlor. It was a real deal old school birthday party like when I was young. They played games like limbo and musical chairs (Dexter kept finding his original chair even when it had been removed from the action!). Dexter was the only boy among a group of about 6 girls! He had a blast!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Dexter Gonna Do It!

We've heard a lot of, "Dexter gonna do it!" from the little guy lately. My favorite (or I should say my back's favorite) new thing that Dexter "does" is climb into and out of his car seat by himself. I can't believe I didn't anticipate this particular milestone but I'm so glad that it's here!