Friday, August 12, 2011

Excitement on the Drive to Quincy

Last weekend, we took a trip to Quincy to visit with Dexter's great grandparents, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, great aunts, great uncles, second cousins, and other relatives on Ben's side of the family. It's usually a 5 hours drive and I usually average about 85 mph while Ben keeps an eye out for speed traps. Well, our usual method of avoiding detection did not work this time and I got pulled over by a state trooper for speeding. While he's asking me for my license and proof of insurance, Dexter is shouting, "Hi police officer!" from his child seat and My Bologna is barking his head off. The cop asked if I had been stopped for speeding in the last year or so and I told him that I hadn't. When he got back from checking his computer he let me go with a warning and, referring to My Bologna, said with a smile, "I'm going to give you a warning. I can't imagine how upset this guy would be if I gave you a ticket."

On our drive home from Quincy the next day, out of the blue Dexter said, "Pull over here, Mama, and wait for the police officer to come."

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