Friday, January 29, 2010

One Size Fits All (kind of)

Before dinner we now let Dexter have some supervised exploration time in the previously-restricted access areas of the kitchen, his bedroom, and the sun-room while I prepare his dinner. For the past few evenings, he has taken Daddy's "My Bologna shoes" (slip-on shoes kept in the sun-room for My Bologna-walking purposes) and moved them next to his container of shoes. He tries to stand in Daddy shoes and will sometimes put one of his shoes in one of Daddy's shoes. Dexter also tries to put his own shoes on his feet by pushing them down on the top of his foot. After he gets tired of trying (and failing) to get the shoe on, he brings it to me and lifts up his foot for me to put it on. No fuss, no crying, just finding a way to get what he wants. I am LOVING this phase!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Rabbi Lansing

This Harley hat used to fit Dexter perfectly. Now it looks more like a yarmulke...

Going To Hot Doug's

Need I say more?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Sweet Audrey

I had a mole (not the animal) removed from my butt last week and this morning Ben, Dexter, and I went to the doctor's office to have the stitches removed. Dexter entertained the waiting room for about 20 minutes while the doctor did his business then we set out for brunch at Feed. Dexter had BBQ pork and chicken, sauteed spinach, and macaroni and cheese, signing for "more" when he finished what was on his plate. Then, we headed over to visit Dexter's newest friend, Audrey Jeannette Bell. She was finishing a feeding when we arrived so Katie let me hold her when she was done. She felt so tiny and warm, so snuggly, tiny little cooing and mewing sounds of a satisfied and comfortable baby every once in a while escaped from her lips. Dexter wasn't immediately interested in Audrey - he was busy exploring his new surroundings and playing with Nic - but he came over a couple of times to see what Mommy was holding. He reached out and touched her head and then moved on to explore other new things. Something tells me he's going to take after his daddy when it comes to relating to girls.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Big Bottom

The other morning we introduced Dexter to Spinal Tap and he really dug it. Was that wrong?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Safe Spot

My Bologna is getting a lot of attention from Dexter lately. He's been very patient with him, letting him pet him and chase him and pull his tail but sometimes that poor puppy needs a break.

New Camera

Santa got us a new digital camera for Christmas. My parents had given us their old one which we have been using since Dexter was born. The digital camera was certainly an improvement on our previous apparatus (35mm film) but it's memory card only held about 15 photos at a time, it was slow to take a photo, and it sometimes turned itself off for no reason. We are still exploring the features of our new camera but it seems like it's got some sort of 3D quality! This photo cracks me up - it's my new screensaver.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Getting to Know His Own Strength

Dexter is learning that he has the power (at least physically) to shape the world around him.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Zen Mommy Reflections

Yesterday afternoon I had a wonderful time with Dexter. I had decided not to turn on the computer or try to do any reading for work. During Dexter's nap, I had sorted through his toys, moving some out of rotation and arranging the room so that his similar toys were grouped together in different parts of the room (blocks, balls, books, musical instruments, farm/people, train, puzzles, etc.). When Dexter got up from his nap, he was so excited exploring this new arrangement and finding (and putting back!) his things. I had a great time playing together and I swear I could see little connections being made in his brain! When I picked up a hat from a table, he patted his head. He was doing the moonwalk - OK, he was just walking backwards but we were both pretty excited about it. No struggles with meals or bathing. He brushed his own teeth with just a little help from me. I feel like Dexter and I are both going through huge developmental phases right now: he is absorbing some understanding of and sense of control of himself in the world around him and I am learning how to experience the joy (and appreciate the importance) of these Dexter and Mommy Zen Moments.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Younger Woman

There is another friend of Dexter on the planet! Audrey Jeannette Bell (daughter of Katie and Nic) arrived very early Thursday morning. Mom and baby are well. Welcome to the world sweet Audrey!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Museum of Science and Industry

More of new year's Day at the museum including model trains in "Seattle", a playhouse, balls in water with Ian, driving a tractor with Daddy, and discovering wind power.

Chick Magnet

Daddy and I took Dexter to the Museum of Science and Industry on New Year's Day where we met up with his friends Ian and Ellerie. Dexter was immediately off and running. We spent some time at the chick hatchery watching two chicks actually break out of their shells (this bit was more fascinating for Mommy than for Dexy). Then Dexter went to the incubator that held the baby chicks. When he pounded on the glass they all came running over to him. He loved it!