Thursday, September 30, 2010

Soggy Bunny

When I came home from work yesterday afternoon, I was greeted by a soggy stuffed bunny sitting outside on the ledge by the back steps. Odd. The mystery was soon solved when Ben explained that while he was on the phone in the living room, Dexter was quietly playing in the kitchen. When Ben went into the kitchen to hang up the phone, he stepped in a big puddle of water on the floor. Upon examination, Ben discovered that the floor was soaked with a trail of water leading to Dexter, standing by My Bologna's empty water bowl in soaking wet socks and clothes holding a soggy stuffed bunny. Ben said even his hair was dripping wet. God only knows what kind of dunking that poor bunny got.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Megablock Creations

Dexter might have a thing or two to learn about structural engineering from his Grampy! Still, he's boldly constructing some very interesting, albeit unstable, structures.

Engaging My Bologna

Dexter knows the difference between his toys and My Bologna's toys. When Ben or I play with My Bologna, Dexter loves to get in on the action - tossing or tugging with My Bologna. My Bologna is game for playing with Dexter as long as Daddy or I am involved. However, Dexter often wants to initiate play with My Bologna on his own. My Bologna is usually not up for it and Dexter ends up just piling a bunch of My Bologna's toys on top of him.

Car Spotter

What does it say, both about Dexter and about me, that Dexter is able to spot our car in the mall parking lot long before I can?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Reaching the Summit!

OK, the coffee table summit. He's been trying (unsuccessfully) for about a week. On Thursday, after much effort, and many toys being knocked to the floor, he made it to the top.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Digging In

Obviously, we are not raising Dexter as a vegetarian. He has mastered eating a cheeseburger all by himself and he loves it! Notice My Bologna standing at the ready in case Dexter drops it.

Book Lover

Dexter has lately become obsessed with reading books. I am always surprised by how many objects he can identify. He still doesn't seem interested in saying words. He has reduced his spoken vocabulary from all the words he was saying at 18 months to "Mama", "Daddy", "cheese", "bread", and "woof woof". He has special sounds and gestures for certain other objects, like cars and trains but mostly points and says "Guh". I find myself feeling frustrated with him and wanting him to tell me what he wants, what he sees, or what he's thinking or feeling but he's not there yet. I take comfort in the fact that he is communicating with us in his own unconventional way and that his other cognitive abilities seem to be above average. Ben and I continue to try to engage him in speaking with words. The lesson for us? Patience and persistence.

Salad Bowl Head

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Root Canal Diet

Two weeks ago I started feeling deep tooth pain on the left side of my mouth. It came and went fairly consistently and I was eating ibuprophin like candy. On Labor Day I finally called my dentist who gave me better pain medication and set me up with an emergency endodontist appointment on Tuesday. The endodontist I saw was impatient and unsympathetic. He finally diagnosed it as the last molar on the bottom and went ahead with a root canal. After the anesthetic wore off, I was still feeling pain but was hoping that it was just sore from the procedure. By the end of the week I finally called the dentist again, told her I was still in pain, and explained why I did not want to see the same endodontist. Because I did not want to be seen as an "emergency" (I felt that was part of the reason the first guy was so rushed), I went through a few more days of the pain coming and going before my appointment with a different guy on Wednesday. It reminded me of the contractions when Dexter was on his way into the world. I knew the pain would ease up and that I just had to get through it for a while. Finally, on Wednesday I saw a different endodontist who diagnosed the problem as the second to last molar on the top and started a root canal. When he got the tooth opened up, he said, "No wonder you're in pain. This is what we call 'an angry tooth'." Even though the extraction of the nerve was painful (three times he had to stop his work to drill another hole in my tooth so that he could shoot anesthetic right into the nerve), I felt relieved that this time I was sure they got it right. However, because everything was so inflamed he couldn't finish the procedure. I get to go back in a few weeks when things settle down for the completion of the work. To top it off, while I was in the chair the receptionist came over to explain that I had maxed out my dental benefits for the year and would have to pay a pretty penny out of pocket. Whatever!!! Just stop the pain!! The upside is that I lost 3 pounds in the last 2 weeks.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fly Catchers

Happy Birthday!

It was a wonderful second birthday party for Dexter's friend, Ellerie. He got to play with Ian and Chloe and Mommy got to visit with Elissa and Jason and Lisa and Scott. Happy birthday, sweet girl!

The Circus Came To Town

There were elephants, ponies, and camels but Dexter was far and away most interested in the trucks.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

4 Years and Counting

The weather today is much like it was on the day Ben and I were married four years ago - bright and warm but with an early fall crispness in the air. As I took Dexter to the "circus" that came to town this afternoon I found my mind drifting back to our wedding day, remembering how certain I felt on that day and feeling so thankful for the life we are building together. I am a lucky, lucky woman to be so in love with my husband.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Manwich Good


Dexter loves picking tomatoes in the garden and then watching Mommy wash and cut them up so he can eat them.


Our friend and next door neighbor, Tom, has been a wonderful Dexter-watcher during his summer break from college. He taught Dexter how to fist-pump and do thumbs-up. Dexter gets so excited each time he sees Tom - he usually runs to get a truck to give him. We are going to miss seeing Tom around but wish him a wonderful sophomore year back at college.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Twist

Dexter doesn't say the word "no" but he has perfected the body language that says it loud and clear, arms and legs twisting this way and that enabling him to squirm out of just about any situation.


I took a few days off of work last week in order to enjoy family time without the burden of travel. Ben had to work every afternoon so we planned our local outings for the mornings. Despite going to a meeting at work, writing a proposal, and working on a literature review I still managed to have some fun time with my boys. Ben and I took Dexter to the Museum of Science and Industry where Dexter enjoyed watching baby chicks hatch and playing at the Idea Factory. We enjoyed Chinese food in Chinatown. We took the "L" to the Conservatory and the Cultural Center.