Thursday, March 29, 2012

Wake Up Call

Every morning Dexter gets Ben out of bed. Ben reports that this morning Dexter came into our bedroom, said, "Good morning, Daddy," and when Ben asked if he could sleep a little bit longer, Dexter replied, "OK. I'll give you one minute."

Potty Progress

Since Dexter first peed on the potty on leap day, he has been pretty consistent about peeing on the potty one or two times a day (about on par with the number of accidents he had each day). He even got a poops on the potty a couple of weeks ago (because I noticed him starting to do his business in the living room and got him to the potty in time to get some in there). However, this Tuesday, Dexter seemed to have suddenly mastered the skill. He would announce he had to go and Ben or I would get him on the potty and he would immediately do a pee and a poo then demand to see it in the potty. He gets a gold star on his potty chart for each pee pee and a star of any other color for a poop. There was barely enough room for all the stars he got on Tuesday! We are all proud of Dexter's progress.

I'm Here!

We took Dexter to the mall to see the Easter Bunny yesterday. When the elevator doors opened to the Easter Bunny's garden, Dexter ran out of the elevator shouting, "I'm here!" (like the Easter Bunny had been waiting all day for him to show up). Dexter asked the Easter Bunny, "Do you hop?" but was unsatisfied with the Easter Bunny's nod as a reply. "Do you hop?" he asked again. The woman taking the photos explained to Dexy that the Easter Bunny does indeed hop but he can only hop outside because he hops so high he would hit the ceiling if he hopped inside. Dexter was satisfied with that explanation.

Tractors, Tractors Everywhere


Dexter goes back and forth between the little kids' playground and the big kids' playground.

Feeding the Ducks

Dexter, Daddy, and I brought some stale bread out to the park to feed to the ducks and geese. Dexter was walking around waving and saying "hi" to strangers like he was the mayor of the park.

Skynyrd Lullaby

The other night I offered Dexter a bedtime lullaby. I gave him the standard choice between "You Are My Sunshine" and "Rock a Bye Baby". He said, "Maybe sing 'What's Your Name Little Girrel'." I was totally taken aback - we had heard that song on the radio earlier that day but I didn't think he was paying much attention. I complied and he was pleased.


Dexter and Ian went to the Museum last weekend and had a fabulous time exploring all the trains and race cars and airplanes. I was so grateful that Elissa and Jason took over all the Dexter lugging and lifting for me.

On the car ride home, Dexter started reenacting a conversation that, at first, was a complete mystery to me:

"That ball went into a cheese elevator!" (exclaimed with excitement)
"WHAT?! A cheese elevator?!" (higher, questioning inflection)
"Ohhhhhh, a cheese elevator." (calmly confirming)
"A ship is a boat." (matter of factly)
"WHAT?!" A ship is a boat?!" (higher, questioning inflection)
"Yes. A ship is a boat." (calm, confirming)

It took me a little while to figure out that this was a conversation between Ian and his Daddy that had taken place while Elissa and I were waiting in line to buy lunch for everyone in the cafe. The three of them had been watching a big exhibit where a metal ball goes through an intricate, dynamic maze of "all things Switzerland" while waiting for us to get the food. It was hilarious to hear how Dexter used his voice to act out the emotions related to this odd conversation.

Bedtime Shenanigans

I have come to dread bedtime lately. Dexter now has an hour-long routine that he goes through before finally nodding off. Bedtime shenanigans include:

* Demanding milk/water/juice (I give him water only, and only if he's lying down in bed)
* Demanding that I change his knickers (diapers)
* Asking to go on the potty (we have been doing potty training lately so he knows that we want him to go on the potty)
* Insisting he wants to sleep sitting up and then screaming that he needs my help to lie down as soon as I leave his room
* Insisting he wants to sleep on the floor and then screaming that he needs my help to get back into bed as soon as I leave his room
* Saying, "You need to take care of me, Mommy"
* Saying, "I need help closing my eyes."
* Insisting on turning his light on and then crying for me to come in and turn off his light
* Asking Mommy to put his blanket back on
* Declaring he wants to sleep on his back when I suggest he curl up on his side with Quackers and then calling me back into his room to help him turn onto his side
* Saying his finger hurts and Mommy needs to kiss it

When I think about all the big changes he's been going through lately, I guess I should appreciate that he's working through some ambivalence about becoming a "big boy". But I have to admit it's exhausting to go through this rigamarole every night.

Summer in March

We've taken advantage of some seriously unseasonably warm weather lately - Dexter had a playdate with his friend, Marek at the park. The boys played in the sandbox while Mommy and Daddy enjoyed some easy conversation with Marek's Mommy, Monica, while watching Marek's little brother Lucas in the stroller. When we got back to our house, Monica wrapped Dexter up in Lucas' blue blanket and exclaimed, "Oh! I found a big blue burrito! I'm so hungry, I'm going to eat this big blue burrito!" At which point, Dexter would unravel himself from the blanket, jump up and shout, "I'm not a big blue burrito! I'm a Dexter!!" And we all rolled with laughter. Dexter talked about Monica confusing him with a big blue burrito for days.

Playing to the Audience

Every day at school a student's name is drawn from a hat and the lucky student gets to bring home a backpack to fill with 5 things to share with the class at Show and Tell the next day. It was very exciting to see Dexter coming out of class wheeling that backpack behind him! He had talked about what other kids had brought for Show and Tell and we discussed what he might like to bring. The first thing he thought of was a found rock that our friend, Kim, had given to Dexter. Next, he decided he wanted to bring his ukelele and a photo of My Bologna. Finally, he chose his camera and street sweeper. At the last minute, Dexter switched out the street sweeper for Cranky the Crane explaining to Ben, "If I bring Cranky the Crane, I can say he lifts heavy things and all my friends will laugh." According to Miss Lois, Dexter's Show and Tell was a smashing success.