Thursday, March 29, 2012

Playing to the Audience

Every day at school a student's name is drawn from a hat and the lucky student gets to bring home a backpack to fill with 5 things to share with the class at Show and Tell the next day. It was very exciting to see Dexter coming out of class wheeling that backpack behind him! He had talked about what other kids had brought for Show and Tell and we discussed what he might like to bring. The first thing he thought of was a found rock that our friend, Kim, had given to Dexter. Next, he decided he wanted to bring his ukelele and a photo of My Bologna. Finally, he chose his camera and street sweeper. At the last minute, Dexter switched out the street sweeper for Cranky the Crane explaining to Ben, "If I bring Cranky the Crane, I can say he lifts heavy things and all my friends will laugh." According to Miss Lois, Dexter's Show and Tell was a smashing success.

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