Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Another Doctor's Appointment, Another City Adventure

 This time Ben had the doctor's appointment and we took Dexter into the city again, this time exploring the Disney Store (we told him it was a museum so he wouldn't want to buy anything - is that wrong?), the Magnificent Mile, the Water Tower, the Hancock Building (we didn't go up but ate lunch at the Cheesecake Factory inside), and the hospital where Dexter was born.

Sophisticated City Food

Dexy enjoyed his first Jamba Juice (apples and greens) during our Sear's Tower Adventure Day.  He drank his whole cup and I needed to refill it with Daddy's Jamba Juice.
After my appointment, Dexter was having a low-blood-sugar meltdown so we took him to the Rock and Roll McDonald's in the city.  Meltdown disappeared. "I've never seen such a big McDonald's!"


 I had a doctor's appointment in Chicago on Monday at 11:15am so Ben and I decided to go early and take Dexter to the top of "the Serious Tower" as Dexter refers to it.
 We talked about the glass ledge on our drive in and Dexter seemed pretty concerned.  I wasn't sure he'd do it but when Dexter saw the glass ledge he ran right onto it (I did not)!  Fearless!
It was a gorgeous day and the views were lovely. Dexter especially liked seeing the river and the road where we drove under the building.