Saturday, February 2, 2013

First Snowman of the Season

We've had a crazy winter season.  Last week, temps went from the 60's to -16.  Poor Dexter has been asking to go sledding all winter but we just haven't had any snow!
We finally got a bit of snow about a week ago.  It wasn't enough to go sledding but it was enough to scrape together a tiny snowman on the slide...
 And knock him down with snowballs.

Dinosaur Exhibit

It's been crazy busy since my classes started.  Even though I'm officially on leave from work, I'm still trying to get some projects moving. To top it off, my classes this quarter are very challenging and demanding.  Like an idiot, last quarter I submitted an abstract (at my advisor's urging) for a sociology conference in March and wouldn't you know it got now I have to write that too! Oh yeah, and I have a family that deserves some attention. Unfortunately, it's going to be a while before they get it. I don't know how I'm going to make it up to them...

A couple Sundays ago, Ben took Dexter to a dinosaur exhibit giving me a little quiet work time at home. Despite the expressions on Dexy's face in the pictures, Ben assures me he had a great time.