Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sweet on Amanda

Dexter seemed to have a special fondness for Amanda. She was so great with him.

Cupcakes, Candy, Cookies, and Cousins

Ben's sister and her husband came to visit yesterday with their three kids, Amanda, Adam, and Aaron. Dexter started the day with a Valentine's party at his "toddlin' two's" class and was wolfing down a chocolate cupcake when I picked him up at 10:45am. His cousins were at the house when we got home so he had lots of buddies to help him work off his sugar rush. There was too much excitement for a nap!

The Emergence of No

For quite a while, Dexter has been very much a "yes" man. He happily replied "yes" to most questions. I don't mean to imply that he didn't express preferences. He communicated "no" when he didn't want to do something by shaking his head. But "yes" was the enthusiastic vocal response to most questions. This all changed on Wednesday when I asked Dexter if he wanted applesauce (generally a "yes" response question) and he said, "No." Now, Dexter puts his newly acquired word to good use, although not necessarily appropriately. Such as when I ask if he wants to go in Mama's car and he says, "no," and then promptly goes to get his shoes and coat. Then there are the times when I say, "It's time to change your diaper," and he not only replies, "no," but runs into another room. Don't get me wrong. I'm happy that he's learning to use more words to communicate what he wants (or doesn't want). I just hope that we don't have a phase where everything is "no."


When Dexter's belly gets like this, I start rotating the larger sized clothes into his drawers - it means a growth spurt is on the horizon.

Big Snow

Dexter says, "Wow!" This was Thursday, as Daddy was shoveling the alley so we could get the cars out of the garage and get to work (and to Starbucks!). Our hero!