Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sweet Tea Moon Sun

Lots of people have told us that we are crazy for not bringing some sort of video device to keep Dexter occupied during a 10 hour drive. I'm not saying we're not crazy but we find other ways to pass the time.  Dexy loves looking at and identifying different cars and trucks, looking for tractors and trains in the landscape, and finding shapes in the clouds.  On the ride home, he spent a good deal of time singing songs.  Most of the songs were originals (something about a pocket) so it made sense when he started singing, "sweet tea moon sun" that it was also his own creation.  It had a nice chant to it so I started singing along.  Dexy and I sang Sweet Tea Moon Sun for miles!  Then, Dexter started singing it again but with a different emphasis: Sweeeeet Tea Mooooooon Sun. Suddenly it hit me. "Dexter, are you singing Aerosmith?" I asked. "Yes!" he exclaimed. "Sweet Emotion?" I asked. "No. Sweet DE-motion". Then we all started singing, "Sweet Demotion."

Pit Stop

On our ride home from Mississippi, we had to pull off the highway for an emergency pit stop so Dexter could pee in the weeds on the side of the road (there was no hope of finding a bathroom - population 879 and Dexy was ready to burst).

He was reluctant at first but for the rest of the ride home, he kept saying he had to pee and was disappointed when we pulled off at a rest stop and insisted he use the potty inside.