Saturday, December 14, 2013

Fay Cook Makes Me Happy

On my last day of Fay Cook's Politics of Social Policy class, we had student presentations and discussion. To mark the occasion, Fay brought happy face cookies for the class. There happened to be one cookie left over and Fay insisted I bring it home to Dexter. I wrapped it up in napkins and hoped it would survive intact in my backpack (it did!). When I got home, Dexter was fed and ready for bed - I showed him the cookie, explained how I got it and told him that he could have it tomorrow. Even though he was very excited about the cookie, he was fine waiting until tomorrow to eat it. I turned to Ben and said, "Fay Cook makes me happy." Dex overheard me and chimed in, "Fay Cook makes me happy too!"

The next day, Dexy's tummy bug hit. Ben reported that when the doctor told him that Dex could only drink small sips of gatorade and maybe have a little toast later in the day but nothing else, Dex interjected, "But what if I have some chicken with BBQ sauce and it wakes up my tongue and I need water?" The doctor replied, "You won't be having chicken today." A moment later Dex asked, "What about my Fay Cook cookie?" The doctor replied, "No cookies for you today."

For two days Dexter would look at his cookie and talk about how he was going to eat it when his tummy got better. He finally got to enjoy it on Saturday. "Fay Cook makes me happy."