Thursday, May 2, 2013

Last Day of School

Today was Dexter's last day of this year's pre-school, Blue Buddies. I gave him a tulip from our garden to give to his teacher, Ms. Lois.  She has been a wonderful partner (and advisor) in fostering Dexter's development - a true gift to Dexter and to our family.

Dexter told her, "I love you Ms. Lois."

And he proceeded to give her a hug (in general, he's not a big "hugger" so it was a very special moment).

Studio Prep

As Ben was trying to get his dobro prepared for a studio session today, he found himself with a "helper".

It didn't sound half bad with the two of them playing the same instrument together.

Construction Surprise

Dexter chose Famous Dave's for Daddy's birthday lunch. As luck would have it, there was a huge construction site with big vehicles in the same lot as the restaurant.

Unfortunately, it was lunchtime so the construction workers were taking a union break. Still, seeing construction vehicles was huge thrill for Dexy.

New Things for Daddy's Broken Things

We took a family walk after ice cream cake breakfast and ran into Julie walking her crew (Junior, Mac, and Shannon).  I mentioned to Julie that it was Ben's birthday and Dexter chimed in, "We got him new things for his broken things!" "You got him new things for his broken things?" Julie asked (not sure she had heard him correctly). "Yes. We got him a new shaver to get his prickles and new underwear without holes."

Turns out the fancy new shaver was broken and the underwear was a size too big so Daddy is stuck with his "broken things" until we exchange the gifts.

Ice Cream Cake Breakfast

Not an everyday occurrence!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Probably the best gift that Daddy got was me telling Dexter the night before to quietly wake only me up in the morning so Daddy could sleep in.  Dexy remembered (!) and on Ben's birthday morning, he came into our room and quietly woke me up whispering, "Mommy, I'm hungry." (this is his new standard "wake-up"line).  I got out of bed and took Dexy with me to get coffee and an ice cream cake for Daddy. We were gone for about an hour when I realized that Dexter's alarm clock was probably going off and waking up Daddy. When we got home, sure enough, Daddy was half asleep in Dexter's room trying to turn off the alarm. Had we gotten home one minute earlier, we may have gotten to the alarm before Daddy and had we gotten home one minute later, Daddy may have made it back to bed without having been seen.  Alas, once Dexter spotted Daddy, there was no letting him go back to bed - it was time to eat Daddy's birthday ice cream cake for breakfast!