Monday, May 26, 2014

Super Fun Play Date

Dexy's friend Tabitha came over for an afternoon play date the other day. They played with bugs in the basement,

jammed in a band (Dex and Tabitha took turns alternating on the drums and organ while Ben played the bass),
and made crafts.
Dex's pinecone creature is an alien (on the right), Tabitha's (on the left) is a unicorn.


I've gotten plenty of enjoyment out of the zero-gravity chair that my Mom sent as a surprise gift - and so has Dexy!  He loves looking up at the clouds and

contemplating what it all means.

Wobbly Biking

We loosened the training wheels on Dexy's bike so that he can get a better sense of balancing himself. At first, he was not happy about it. He would keep his weight on one side so that one of the training wheels was always on the ground.

But with lots of encouragement to get it into "the middle", he eventually he got into it and was very proud of himself "balancing".
He even shouted at two teenagers biking by, "Hey guys! I'm riding my bike just like you guys are!"

Bowling Birthday Bash

Dex got to go to a schoolmate's birthday at a bowling alley the week after his school year ended. Exciting!!

Dex enjoyed the bowling - he came in last but didn't even notice. Ben said he also bowled down the wrong alley twice but didn't even notice.
 When the song "Happy" came over the stereo, Ben said the kids immediately started dancing...
and recreated their graduation performance with some new improvised moves.

Field of Dandelions

Dex loves the fact that the field we went kite flying in was full of tall dandelions. It gave him the opportunity to practice blowing the dandelion seeds.

He's still not very effective - I keep telling him to make an "O" with his mouth. He was sad when we drove by the next day and the field had been mowed. I reminded him that he should feel happy that he got to play there before they mowed.