Thursday, August 8, 2013

Humongous Semi!

Dexy got to explore one of the humongous semi's that participated in the tractor (semi) pull.

He's there - find him!

Humongous Combine!

Dexter didn't realize how "humongous" combines are until he saw one up close and personal.

UPDATE: Ben said this isn't a combine. He thinks it's a gravity wagon.

Special Treatment at the Antique Tractors

Dexy closely examined the antique tractors on display, pointing out all the parts and their functions.

Because he was wearing a John Deere T-shirt, the woman in charge of the exhibit let Dexter "drive" the antique John Deere tractor.

Climbing On Vehicles at the County Fair

Dexter and Daddy visited every vehicle exhibit at the county fair. Dexy climbed on all the vehicles where climbing was allowed. Be it a tractor,

 Or a skid steer,
Or a mini-tractor.
He even hopped in the riding mowers at a dealer's display.
Dex is a very cautious climber and worries about falling.  I think we're going to have to get him to a rock wall to work on his climbing skills and courage.

Using Protection

At first, Dexy wasn't interested in the tractor and truck pulling. "Too loud!"

Luckily, Mommy and Daddy thought ahead and packed his protective headphones so Dexy was able to enjoy all the exciting pulling events.

As Exciting As It Gets Is Plenty Exciting for Dexter and Daddy

Last weekend, Ben took Dex to a county fair. They got to enjoy tractor and truck pulls while I got to do correlation analyses.  Dexy has been making "sleds" with his legos and performing truck pulls for Mommy and Daddy. I don't know why this is so exciting for him but it is.