Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Caught Red-Handed

As if he doesn't have an abundance of his own toys, this afternoon Dexter raided My Bologna's toy basket.

Interior Decorating

Today Dexter dragged his rocking chair into his box. At various times I've found my yoga ball, Dexter's car, and a variety of stuffed animals and other toys in there.

Recurring Theme?

Everything Louder Than Everything Else

Dexter got Daddy and himself matching Motorhead T-shirts for Father's Day this year.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Not Exactly Up To Emily Post Standards

But I'm thrilled that he's interested in mastering the use of a utensil! Looks like he might be a lefty.

What's So Special About Daddy?

This, for one thing!

Be Careful What You Wish For

Now that Dexter is developing an ever-increasing vocabulary, we are trying to foster his verbal communication skills by asking him to say the word for what he wants. At dinnertime, this usually involves him gesturing that he wants "more" after finishing his proper dinner and me responding by asking if he wants something in particular (banana, cheese, and puffs are common after-dinner options). When he nods yes, I ask him to tell Mama what he wants. More often than not, he easily repeats what it is he wants (banana, cheese, or puffs). The other night Dexter and I were going through this ritual - he asked for more, I asked if he wanted puffs, he nodded yes, I asked him to tell Mama what he wanted, and rather than saying "puffs" he had a meltdown. Perhaps I should have just given him the puffs but instead I pestered him to tell Mama what he wanted, trying to prompt him to say "puffs". After a few of my requests, Dexter composed himself, looked me in the eye through his crocodile tears, and in response to, "Dexter, just tell Mama what you want," he replied, "Daddy." My heart sank. I wanted to cry. I held it together and explained that Daddy was at work but that I would be happy to give him some puffs. Which I promptly did.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Grandma and Gunker came for a visit this week. It was perfect timing because I had to be away at a conference for a couple of days and Ben had to lay down some tracks in the studio so Grandma and Gunker had tons of time alone with Dexter and My Bologna. After a morning at the zoo, a walk in the neighborhood, and tons of food at Alexander's, Dexter just couldn't keep his eyes open any longer. He practically fell asleep on the swing!

Thanks, Grandma and Gunker, for taking such good care of our boys, for the home baked food and other goodies you brought for us all, and for doing some cleaning to boot!

Sunday, June 6, 2010


In preparation for the 18 month doctor's visit, Ben and I started keeping a list of Dexter's current "words". In addition to Mama and Daddy, he says the following fairly reliably:

Baa = ball, bath, baa (sheep), barrel, banana, boots
Beh beh = baby, My Bologna
Bear Bear (a stuffed bear that he sleeps with)
Bun Bun (a stuffed bunny)
Breh = bread
Bir = bird
Sh = shoes
Pul = apple
Puh = up
Ga ar = guitar
Mmmm = good/yummy
Car = car
Vroom Vroom = any vehicle
Hi = hi
Yeah = yeah
Chee = cheese, cheerios
Woof = woof (dog)

We have also heard him say at least once:
Bubba = bubbles
Funky Monkey (a stuffed animal)
Rocky (a stuffed animal)
Deder = Dexter
Ogur = yogurt

Above Average

On Friday Dexter had his 18 month check-up with the doctor. He did great. Shy at first and then flirting up a storm with the nurses and the doctor. He weighed in at 27lbs even - slightly less than when we weighed him at home about a month ago but the nurse said that it's normal at this age for them to jump around a little with their weight. He sprouted up to 33 1/2 inches long. He charted above average (75th percentile) in head circumference, weight, and height. He's growing into his big, round head very nicely.