Sunday, November 9, 2014

Pumpkin Patching

We took Dex and his friend Tabitha out to a pumpkin patch where they had a blast.

Riding on bouncy ponies...

 Playing tag in a playground of recycled farm machine materials...
 Jumping on a huge bouncy...
 Taking a break to rehydrate...
 Sliding down a hillside slide...
 Racing pedal-powered go carts...
 And enjoying the corn maze at sunset.
It was so heart-warming to see Dexter and Tabitha having such fun together. A wonderful time was had by all. 

Silly "Brothers"

The other day, I came out of the bathroom to find My Bologna and Dexter sitting right there waiting for me - same posture, same expression. Luckily, they "stayed" until I got the picture. Such silly brothers.

Pumpkin Painting

While at the arboretum, Dexter also painted a pumpkin.

I'm going to use it for our Thanksgiving table's centerpiece.

Arboretum in Autumn

Ben, Dex, and I took a Sunday afternoon trip to the arboretum. We did the hedge maze and collected colorful leaves that Dex put in his monkey backpack.

 I made a heart in the pebbles - Dex immediately jumped into the center with a huge smile on his sweet face.
 Walking (over stepping stones) to the beat of his own drummer.
Dex loved the kaleidoscope that created amazing reflective images of the potted plants.
Dexy's climbing skills have improved (slightly). At least this time, Ben didn't have to go and physically help him - we just had to encourage him with words to climb back down a ladder.
Dex took his time but he persisted!


The carrots were such a hassle to get out of the ground the first time, we left the rest of them until well into fall. When Daddy and Dex pulled the last of them out (no power tools needed!), they were almost as big as Dexter!

We ate some and put some in the yard for bunnies - they were gone within minutes.