Thursday, May 22, 2014

Kim and Dylan Come to Town (and I Don't Get a Picture with Them!)

Elissa was gracious enough to have a small dinner party when Kim and Dylan made a recent visit to Chicago. Kim brought Boston T-shirts for Dex and Ian (with plenty of room to grow into!).

Elissa made a fabulous meal (as always!). The boys joined Elissa, Jason, Kim, Dylan, Julie, Bill, Ben, and me at the dinner table.
The boys played together wonderfully while the adults enjoyed some conversation and laughs.
Ian and Dex got to ride on Jason's feet before we left for the night. That's what Jason gets for positioning himself near the front door.

I'm happy I got some cool pictures of the boys but am sad that I didn't get any of the adults! Elissa, please send me a copy of the group photo you took.