Monday, July 30, 2012

Carnival Games

Dexter played (and lost) his first carnival game shooting water into a small hole to make the animals go up. It only lasted about three seconds but he loved every second of it. I couldn't believe how much he took in about the game in such a short time. He described it perfectly in the car ride on the way home.

Rides Without Mommy or Daddy

Dexy was so excited to ride his first carnival rides all by himself.  He was great - he listened to Mommy and Daddy's instructions to remain seated and hold on. First he rode a firetruck and then he rode a motorcycle that did "wheelies".

Tractor Tyke at the County Fair

After filling up on ice cream, Dexter noticed the tractor trikes. He would have spent the whole rest of the day there, switching tractors and pedaling around the figure 8 track if he could.
After an initial crash into the little girl on a tractor in front of him, Daddy explained that he was not allowed to crash. Dexter heeded his words and would patiently wait behind a slow tractor rider until he had enough room to pass them.
He must have ridden each of the five tractors 10 times. At least two dozen kids came and went while Dexter continued to pedal around giving Mommy and Daddy an unexpected half hour of rest on a nearby bench.

Six of One, Half a Dozen of the Other

Dexter wasn't interested in sharing his ice cream cone with Daddy but then suggested that they "take turns".

Demolition Derby

We made it to the county fair just in time for the start of the afternoon demolition derby.  Dexter was glad he had his headphones on for the action.
On our way out of the fair, Dexter got to see one of the demolition derby cars (aptly named "Student Driver").

Beeline to the Bouncy House

All disappointment about Ian not being at the company picnic disappeared when Dexter laid eyes on the bouncy house.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

First Visit to the Dentist

I have to admit I was worried.  I was worried that this would be a difficult experience for Dexter, that he'd have a cavity, that he'd be turned off to dentists for life. We framed his upcoming dental visit as an exciting "big boy" adventure but Dexter declared that he doesn't like dentists and didn't want to go. By the morning of the appointment, he seemed to have warmed to the idea.
When we got to the office, the dentist explained what they were going to do (x-rays, cleaning, exam) and that they would bring Dexter back to the examination room without us. I felt conflicted: relieved that I wouldn't be there but sad that I couldn't "help" him through this.  Dexter headed off without us without any fuss.
We waited for screaming that never came. Twenty minutes later, Dexter ran into the waiting room excited about his new toothbrush, stickers, and a toy! The dental assistant gave us a perfect report in his behavior and the dentist gave us a perfect report on his teeth. The dentist recommended getting rid of the sippy cups so Dexy and I are off to Target to pick out some new cups.

While the Cat's Away, the Mice Will Have Zoo Burgers

 I had to spend a few days last week in Houston for work.  While I was busy talking with human services agency people about a framework for helping vulnerable youth make a successful transition to adulthood, Daddy and Dexter were enjoying their time alone together.

They spent the majority of one day at the zoo where Dexter enjoyed the "Extreme Bugs" exhibit - he even watched a cockroach race! 
Dexter also had his first taste of "zoo burgers" (our term for the pre-made, pre-wrapped, barely warm, overpriced burgers served at places like the zoo). Of course, he loved it!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Chatting Up the Bartender

Emboldened by his ability to sit on the high stools without falling, Dexter wandered over to the bar and plopped up on a stool to chat up the bartender.  The conversation, as reported by Ben, went like this:

Bartender: Hi there! How old are you?
Dexter: I'm 54.
Bartender: Really? What's your name? My name is Candice.
Dexter: (turning to Daddy) Daddy, her name is Candice! (turning to Candice) Nice to meet you, Candice!

Saying Bye Bye to John and Ashley

 We met up with a group of friends to bid John and Ashley farewell and wish them good luck on their next adventure in California.
 Dexter was happy to see Mike again exclaiming, "Hi Mike! I play drums too!" Dexy and Jen became fast friends. There was much laughter and switching of eye wear.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Higher, Daddy!

Portrait Photographer

Dexter didn't follow our instructions to pose in front of the model train set in the park but he recognized an opportunity to snap a picture with his own camera when another little boy did follow his mommy's instructions to pose in front of the model train set...

Duck Race

 Each year, the town has a rubber ducky race fundraiser for the Park District. People can sponsor a duck in the race and, if their duck wins, they can win $500.  Yesterday, we went to the duck race after Daddy got home from work. 
 We arrived too late to sponsor a duck and after the bouncy house and train had been disassembled but we made it just in time for the duck race. Dexter enjoyed playing with a big yellow duck ("Mommy, that big duck has hands!  I've never seen any big ducks with hands before! Have you?").
Dexter was all about engaging the duck and then running away laughing hysterically the whole time. Eventually, Dexter gave the big duck with hands a high-five. Dexter enjoyed the exciting start to the race (the firemen used one of their hoses to move the ducks forward in the water) but his interest waned as the speed of the ducks waned to a leisurely lollygag.

Ian Leads the Way

Ian loved showing Dexter all the playground features. Once again, Elissa was the rock-star Mommy, handling all of the heavy lifting.


Partners at the Park

After brunch, we all headed to a park with a playground and "water feature" (pipe spouting water onto concrete).

Teaching and Learning

Dexter has known Ian since he was born (not to mention worn all his hand-me-downs!). Last weekend Dexter and I went to visit Ian and his Mommy for brunch and Ian had the opportunity to teach Dexter how to play some big-boy games. 
Both boys were fabulous in their roles as teacher and student.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Old Friend, New Dynamic

 This week Dexter had a park play date with Gabby, his best buddy from Toddlin' Two's. He was beyond excited to see her but seemed a little disappointed that things weren't the way they used to be. While they still had fun playing in the park, Dexter said to Daddy, "I didn't like it when Gabby sat under the ramp." 
He definitely preferred the good old days when she excitedly followed him around, doing everything he suggested (so typically male!).

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Another Doctor's Appointment, Another City Adventure

 This time Ben had the doctor's appointment and we took Dexter into the city again, this time exploring the Disney Store (we told him it was a museum so he wouldn't want to buy anything - is that wrong?), the Magnificent Mile, the Water Tower, the Hancock Building (we didn't go up but ate lunch at the Cheesecake Factory inside), and the hospital where Dexter was born.

Sophisticated City Food

Dexy enjoyed his first Jamba Juice (apples and greens) during our Sear's Tower Adventure Day.  He drank his whole cup and I needed to refill it with Daddy's Jamba Juice.
After my appointment, Dexter was having a low-blood-sugar meltdown so we took him to the Rock and Roll McDonald's in the city.  Meltdown disappeared. "I've never seen such a big McDonald's!"


 I had a doctor's appointment in Chicago on Monday at 11:15am so Ben and I decided to go early and take Dexter to the top of "the Serious Tower" as Dexter refers to it.
 We talked about the glass ledge on our drive in and Dexter seemed pretty concerned.  I wasn't sure he'd do it but when Dexter saw the glass ledge he ran right onto it (I did not)!  Fearless!
It was a gorgeous day and the views were lovely. Dexter especially liked seeing the river and the road where we drove under the building.