Saturday, January 19, 2013

Jacked Up Car with BIG Wheels

When I was going through the pictures on the camera this morning, I came across these and asked Dexter, "What's that?!"  He smiled and said, "That's me with a jacked up car with BIG wheels."
We see this car often on our way to Starbucks - it's at the body shop next to the cheap gas station.  Daddy and Dexy must have stopped for a photo-op yesterday while getting gas.

The Big Bed

I was surprised that My Bologna didn't use our bed as a safe spot when Dexter was learning how to walk but for the past couple of months, it has become My Bologna's favorite spot. He never went on our bed by himself before (was happy to join me for nap, however). Now, when I don't see him around, I know that he's resting comfortably on the big bed. Unfortunately, so does Dexter who is able to easily climb up and disturb him.

Can We Do That Here?

When I got home from school on Thursday, Dexter greeted me by excitedly telling me about his school field-trip to a mini circus, "That book had fire on one of the pages! Can we do that here?" "Absolutely not, but tell me all about it," I replied (looking at Ben for some sort of explanation).

Turns out the mini circus consisted of a magician who did tricks. In addition to the book from which flames arose when it opened, he also did a ring trick where he magically turned 5 rings into 2.  When Dexter told me about that, he used the term "spring plats" for the rings and added, "and Miss Erica said, 'Whoa! How did he do that?!"

Kicking/Listening Class

 Last week we brought Dexy to two more karate classes. We explained that he had to do a good job listening in class as well as outside of class in order to stay in the class. When we got to class on Monday, Dexy proudly showed me how he has to take his shoes and socks off first. Dexter did a very good job of listening to the karate teacher and following directions (he earned a clip for his belt - that he doesn't even have yet!).
There are still some maturity issues - when other kids act up and run around, he joins right in until the teacher gets him back in line...We have another free week of karate classes so we're going to keep it up and see if he can keep it together before we sign up for lessons that we have to pay for. He loves it and we hope it will help him with self-control and discipline but we're not sure he's ready for it.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Bedtime Stories with Friends

Last night, we had our friends Carolina and Thomas over for dinner. Dexter really enjoyed showing off his good behavior for everyone so getting ready for bed was a piece of cake (we were worried because he was having such a good time we thought he might resist).  When it was time to read books before bed, Dexter told Carolina and Thomas that they needed to come too.  This was a very special event - Dexter has never invited others into his room for bedtime book reading before.

Kicking Class

Ben and I are interested in getting Dexter involved in some sort of structured physical activity.  We want to foster his natural ability to control his body and think it will provide another source of confidence through focused activity and interaction with others. Dexter has told us he wants to take ballet. I think this idea came from one of his bedtime books where each of 10 sheep make a wish on a star as they fall asleep.  One of the sheep wishes to be a ballerina.  At the end of the book, there is an illustration of all the sheep dreaming about what they wished for and when I ask Dexy which dream he likes best, he says the ballet dancer. At the same time, there is a Tae-kwan-do studio that we pass (almost daily) on our way to Starbucks.  The other day, I stopped in there with Dexy to see if he was too young to take lessons.  The woman told us he should try it and gave me a schedule.  Ben took him to a class and he did really well.  But I think this particular place is geared more towards older kids and doesn't provide the character lessons that I would like with an activity like that.  When telling me about the class, Dexter said he learned kicking and punching (and provided a demonstration) but when I asked what he learned about when it's OK to use the movements he learned he looked at me like I was speaking another language. Since then, he has asked to go back to "kicking class".  We probably will take him for a few more freebies and see how it goes but I will also be looking for a ballet class he can take. Yesterday, we visited with his friend Ellerie and she was showing us all some of her ballet steps and Dexter followed right along with her beautifully! If he's going to take a "kicking class", I think a non-confrontational form of kicking might be the way to go at this point.

What Is Going On in That Head of His?

Dexy definitely has a creative streak. He created suspended bridges with his train set (maybe he has an engineering genetic disposition like Daddy and Grampy).
He also takes some serious liberties with Mr. Potato Head. Yesterday, he created a Fireman/Policeman Mr. Potato Head that looked like something out of a sci-fi movie.  It's so interesting to see what he comes up with but a challenge to understand how and why he does it!