Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tell Your Grand Kids...

The Big(ish) Top

 Due to a Living Social deal, Ben and I took Dexter to his first circus this afternoon. It wasn't exactly the greatest show on earth (lots of build up and "ta da!" with few and far between semi-impressive stunts) and the tent was plenty hot but Dexter loved it.
Dexy especially loved the little girl contortionist ("Her legs are flying around like the wings on an airplane!"). He saw a trapeze artist, a high wire act, and a juggler, as well as zebras, camels, and elephants doing tricks ("the zebras, camels, and elephants went round and round doing donuts!").

The Pickler

I had unexpectedly taken a canning and pickling class a month or so ago with a friend (the friend she signed up with couldn't make it so I went in her stead) and then we got a bunch of home grown cucumbers from Great Grandma and Great Gunker Lansing so I figured the stars were aligned for us to give home pickling a shot.
We all got up really early this morning so Dexy, Daddy, and I went to town pickling those Quincy cucumbers.
After Daddy and I got all the prep done, Dexter got to stuff the pickles and dill and garlic in the jars.  He loved using the "tools".
Dying to try our home-made pickles! 

So Proud

It was so wonderful to spend a few days with Dexter without Daddy.  Being around family that wanted to play with him and take care of him certainly eased the burden of being the (temporary) single caregiver. Still, Dexy was a very well behaved little boy. My parents noticed his wonderful manners and compliance with rules and bedtime. At the same time, he was incredibly social and open for all experiences and adventures.

There was only one fit during the whole trip and I was its only witness. At the end of our twelve hour day trip visiting friends, I stopped to fill my Dad's car with gas and Dexter said he wanted to help pump the gas.  Even though he was clearly tired, I decided to let him try. He pressed the appropriate octane button and I began the pumping.  Dexy said he wanted to do it all by himself but the pump was too difficult for him to squeeze on his own. He tried and tried and then got furious when I "helped". He was screaming and crying, trying to pry my fingers off the pump. "I want to do it all by myself!" "You're not listening, Mommy!" "I tried and tried!" "You're not listening! I NEED to do it!" I got the car (mostly) filled up and by the time we got back onto the highway, the worst of it had passed. Despite being pretty worn out myself, I couldn't be frustrated with him - he had been so great all day long and just fell apart. It happens...

City Chickens and TLC with Marjie

Dexter and I also went to Marjie's house - Dexter was excited about seeing Marjie, her daughter Joita, and her city chickens.
As an added bonus, he got to meet Meredith, play on a backyard swing set, pull ripe tomatoes from the vine, and enjoy a lovely homecooked meal of "green pasta that's dirty" (pesto), "rice with stuff" (risoto), and salad.
I even got a few minutes to catch up with Marjie alone while Joita engaged Dexy in a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse video.  The visit was too short but it was good for the soul nonetheless.

Cat Fishing, Car Sitting, and Sand Digging

 Dexy and I also spent some time visiting with my former advisor and his wife, Gloria. We got to talk a little shop (academics and parenting) and they taught Dexter how to "fish" for their cats by dangling a feather toy and luring them out from hiding. Dexy almost pulled it off but got too excited and Pepper ran for the hills.
Dexter got such a thrill sitting in Jim's "special car that turns into a convertable."  Jim let Dexy press the button and I watched that hood go up and down ("This car only has seats for two people, Mommy."). Ben just read this post and informed me that it was actually the roof, not the hood, going up and down.
Then we headed to a local park where Dexter explored every apparatus except for the most obvious and special one: the long slide built into the hill. It was all nice, easy time.


 Dexter and I spent our last day of east coast mini-vacation visiting with friends in Massachusetts.  First, we saw Kim and Dylan who have just moved into a new home.
 They closed on the house on Wednesday, the movers arrived with their furniture on Thursday, and we showed up on Sunday! 
Dexter had a blast "helping" clean the pool and move the grill (he directed Dylan as he pushed the grill on the dolly). Such a little dictator these days!
 Scout was a trouper, putting up with Dexter's antics.