Saturday, January 31, 2009

Electric Baby

Did I mention that my friend Madoka (see earlier post for background) had her baby boy on the same day I did? Well, her baby, Sky, sent Dexter this rockin' Hendrix onesie. He wears it well. Thanks Sky!

2 Month Check Up

All looks good according to the pediatrician! Dexter now weighs 12lbs 11oz and is 23" long. His head continues to get bigger (75% percentile) but his little body is catching up. Dexter followed the doctor's light with his eyes and head, showed her how he can hold his head up by himself, laughed and cooed. Then came the shots and some serious screaming and crying...poor boy was fussy and tired for the rest of the day but seems to be back to his smiling, babbling self this morning.