Saturday, July 27, 2013

Get a Load of This Get-Up!

On occasion, Dexter takes his morning walk with Daddy and My Bologna in his jammies. This time, he chose to also wear a tractor hat and, right before they left, decided he also needed sunglasses. "I know just the ones!" he declared as he grabbed the ladies' rhinestone embedded shades that we bought for him (at his request) last summer. Ben said they ran into a neighbor who immediately pulled out her cell phone to get a picture of him to send to her sister (and his babysitter). I couldn't stop laughing when Ben pulled out the camera and said, "You're not going to believe what the Dude wore for our walk this morning. Get a load of this get-up."

Getting Lost, Found, and Stuck at the Arboretum

Can you find Dex in the castle?

He found his way out of the maze.
But needed help getting down from the tower, "Daddy, I'm stuck!"

Bugging Out at the Arboretum

The arboretum had an exciting display of hand-crafted giant bugs!

 Look out behind you! Ladybug!
 Don't get caught in that spider's web!
Turn around, Dex! Damselfly!


Don't get trampled by that praying mantis!