Saturday, May 19, 2012

Full Speed Feels Like Slo-Mo

Big Boy Bumper Bowling

Dexter's bowling process involves:

1. Dragging the chute to the lane and lining it up
 2. Retrieving his bowling ball from the return

 3. Carrying it to the chute "all by myself"
 4. Pushing the ball down the chute
5. Running back to the couch to watch the ball roll down the lane

Bedtime Books

Ben and I have been trying to get Dexter to pick out some of his "baby" toys to give away to baby friends but he is resistant to letting anything go. We managed to round up a few items while cleaning and rearranging his room yesterday. Dexter wasn't too happy with the bedroom changes - he complained when going to bed and even woke us up twice during the night to register his unhappiness with the new chair in his room ("it belongs in the living room!"). Still, we're keeping it.  Mommy and Daddy need to not sit on the floor while reading bedtime books anymore and since Dexy refuses to do any reading in bed, the chair it is!

Mastered the Mount!

Day 2 of the bike-riding syllabus involved learning how to properly mount the bicycle. Dexy mastered it in no time!

Training Wheels

Last weekend, Dexter and Ben bought pedals and training wheels for Ian's hand-me-down two-wheeler.  Unfortunately, they did not try on the hand-me-down helmet until we were setting off for the initial bike ride.  The helmet didn't fit over Dexy's big noggin so we just let Dexter "ride" back and forth in front of the house wearing his Harley cap (Dexter and Ben picked up a new "monster trucks" helmet the following morning). Dexy eventually got the gist of pedaling but I don't think he has a sense yet that he will need to also balance.