Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Dexy loves helping out with chores (except vacuuming) and takes real pride in his ability to participate in big people activities. He especially loves the whole process of juicing - from picking out the fruits and vegetables at the grocery store to putting the scraps and cores in the garbage to putting the chunks into the juicer.
When I interrupted to ask what he was doing, he turned to me and said, "Juicing, Mommy!"


On top of everything else, the restaurant had a sno-cone machine and Dexter had his first sno-cone ever (he chose orange flavor/coloring). He ate the whole thing, even using a spoon to get to the remains in the bottom of the cone. He wanted another one but Mommy put the kibosh on that.  Luckily, Elissa captured the moment on her iPad. Dexy spent the whole ride home (in afternoon rush hour traffic) asking for another sno-cone. 

Dinner Date with Friends

On Monday afternoon, Dexter and I drove into the city to meet Ian and Elissa for dinner. Despite the boys' excitement at seeing each other, the electric train running around the ceiling, dinosaur nuggets, Elissa's iPad, and lollipops, they both were able to use their "inside voices" when reminded.
Dexter was constantly distracted by the train running over our heads. Ian wasn't as distracted since he'd been to the restaurant plenty of times before.
It was a lovely time with our good friends.