Sunday, June 3, 2012

Brian "MC" Dermott

Ben and I noticed the sign for Ben's gig and hoped that Brian "MC" Dermott might draw a new crowd and we would be able to witness everyone's disappointment when they discovered that it wasn't just a guy with an iPod cranking tunes.  The gig was great. Ben played some seriously intense slide on one song.  Everyone was mesmerized but I was the only one who openly wept.

Bison Burgers

After my massage and Dexter and Daddy's big adventure, we all went to lunch and Dexy had his first bison burger.

Dexter & Daddy's Spa Day Adventure

 Ben got me a gift certificate for a massage at a fancy spa for Christmas and I finally used it on Friday - it was AMAZING to relax for a couple of hours. While I was relaxing, Daddy and Dexter scouted out the area and had a great adventure riding in a paddle boat, meeting local wildlife, and walking across a covered bridge. 
When I came out of my massage, Dexy was in the reception area excitedly telling two well-to-do suburban ladies all about his adventure (not the most relaxing scene but folks were amused, not annoyed).