Thursday, July 3, 2014

Honorary Big Brother

Last Saturday, Dex and I planned to go paint pottery. We decided to ask his friend Tabitha if she could join us. Turns out, Tabitha was at an Art Fair at a park a few blocks from the house when I called her Mom so we walked over and met her and her family there.

We explored the Children's Garden (tasting some Gooseberries, raspberries, and not-yet-ripe grapes pulled from the bushes).

Then Dex kicked into honorary "big brother" mode. He helped pull Tabitha's little sister, Libby, in the wagon
and held her hand when she wanted to be carried rather than walk
and helped supervise her painting at the Kid's Tent. Later, I took Tabitha and Dex to paint some pottery. I was so impressed with and proud of how well-behaved they were.

Bubble Slippers

We bought a new desk chair (to replace the donated one from Chapin Hall that was killing my back) and found a few bubble wrap bits in the packing. Dex asked me as he was going to bed if, in the morning, we could make them into bubble slippers and he could wake up Daddy with the pops they made while he walks.

I used rubber bands around his ankles to keep the bubble wrap on Dexy's feet. He stomped into the bedroom to wake up Daddy but it was his squeals rather than any pops that did the trick!

Signature Style

Last week, Dex insisted on wearing his shirts backwards - all shirts, including jammie shirts. Ben and I joked that he was developing his "signature style".

As quickly as it came, it was abandoned. He's back to wearing his shirts properly.

Train Restaurant Treat

It had been a while, and Dex kept asking to go to a train restaurant, so we decided to make it happen. As usual, Dex enjoyed playing with the electric train set with other kids before his food arrived.

When he heard the horn tooting, he ran to his spot at the counter to watch the train deliver his food.
 Anticipation is so exciting!

Afterwards, he played again - this time with the train table.

More Structures

Parking lot

 Traffic jam
 Line of cars waiting to go on road through building
CTA El and Amtrack tracks with multiple generators

Supporting the Cause

Dexy's friend Tabitha had a lemonade stand and all the money collected went to fighting childhood cancers. We were happy to support the cause (and hang out with good friends on a sunny summer afternoon).