Friday, November 14, 2014

Driving to School on Halloween

All the kids got to wear their costumes to school on Halloween and participate in a parade.

We knew Dex would have to take his costume off for most of the school day but he insisted on "driving" in it to school. Good thing he finished his license plate in time to get on the road!
It was a cold and rainy day so the parade ended up taking place inside the gym. Dex wore his hat, coat, and mittens because that is how he had dressed to come to school in the morning. He was sweating bullets but refused to take anything off.


We grew two small pumpkins in our backyard and bought one huge one to make into jack-o-lanterns this year. Ben and I each designed the face for the small ones and Dexter came up with the face for the big one.

Dex even helped with some of the carving this year!

Test Drive to Safely Spooky in the Park

Ben took Dex to the park for the pre-Halloween Safely Spooky costume event in the park. Our friends saw Dexter coming from down the street because of his headlights.

The race car was a huge hit (especially with the Dads!). Ben reported that lots of people asked if the costume was home-made to which he replied, "It's a box."
Parked next to a gator.

Halloween Costume Construction

The box that our new cabinet came in was the inspiration and Dexter, Daddy, and I collaborated on the design and construction. We used mostly recycled materials (except for the working headlights and tail-lights that are LED cabinet/closet push on lights) to build the car over a period of a couple weeks. Then we painted it according to Dexter's specific instructions.
The wheels are made from the round cardboard that comes under frozen pizzas.
 The grill is made from a Chinese food carton.
The dual exhaust pipes are toilet paper rolls.