Saturday, June 29, 2013

Train Excitement

An hour long drive, ride on a shuttle bus from the parking lot, and waiting in long lines - apparently worth it (at least for Ian and Dexter)!

Waiting for Ian

Elissa invited Dexy to join her, Jason, and Ian at a special train show today (some women sets up the trains on her private grounds and gives the proceeds to charity).  This worked out well for me - I was able to wrap up some work before we go on vacation and rearrange Dexy's room (something that has been impossible to do when he's home). Ben dropped Dexy off on his way to work and Dexter had to wait with Elissa while Ian and Jason finished up tennis lessons.  The plan was for Dexter to help Elissa pull some weeds in the garden but that plan went out the window when Dexy saw Ian's toy trains.  Shouldn't have even let Dexter in the house...

At least he played quietly by himself so that Elissa could get some work done (the dude has had practice playing quietly while Mommy gets work done).

Eating Only the Crust

After all of the pie-making effort, Dexter only wanted to eat the crust.  
"Mommy, next time, can we make a pie without the insides? I only like the crust."

Egg Washing the Tractor Pie

Our first trip of the season to the farmer's market last weekend yielded a ton of blueberries. We figured we would make a pie with the few pints that remained uneaten. Dexy was a huge help: measuring flour and sugar and mixing the blueberries. We decided to cut the vents into the shape of a tractor.

Dexter got really into painting the top crust with the egg wash before we put it into the oven.
He slathered so much egg wash on it that it almost looked like it had scrambled eggs baked on top when I took it out of the oven :)