Monday, September 7, 2009

A Perfect Day

We had a wonderful Labor Day visiting friends at their home in Michigan. The weather was perfect with warmth, not heat, from the sun. We arrived to find a vacant (we thought) home with its doors open. We walked around back to see a lovely patio and garden and I yelled into the house to see if anyone was home. When nobody responded, I went in and used the bathroom (it was an hour and a half drive and I had to pee!). Still nobody in sight when I came back out so we made ourselves comfortable and fed Dexter a bottle in the shade. Soon enough, our hosts arrived and we all took of a walk of the grounds: through a wildflower garden, a vegetable garden, a meadow, a thicket of trees, and bees - in a little cove in the thicket was the bee hive and we quietly watched the bees making bee-lines to and from the hive. My Bologna and Oona made fast friends and My Bologna could not get enough of running around and rolling in the grass. Dexter loved playing with the grass and dirt and and flowers and dogs. Easy, lazy time with good conversation, fresh air, a feast of garden-harvested goodies. It couldn't have been any better.

The Croc Hunter

He's OBSESSED with them!