Monday, December 26, 2011


We took a trip down to Manny's in Chicago to share a pastrami sandwich for lunch today. Dexter acted so grown up and loved all the food, especially the potato pancake. It was such a beautiful day that we took a drive around the city looking at all the tall buildings.

Daddy's Fancy New Headphones

Dexter was transported to another world the minute he put them on. It was amazing to see.

Christmas Deliveries

After all the unwrapping of gifts and a brunch of eggs and sausage, we hooked the trailer to Dexter's tractor and delivered cookies to neighbors and puppy friends.

Christmas Morning

Santa brought Dexter the camera he asked for for Christmas! And some gold glasses that Dexter had his eye on in the mall.

Christmas Jammies

My mom sent us all some jammies to wear to bed on Christmas Eve and we were lucky to get an almost good photo of the three of us in them.

Christmas Eve Morning with Friends

Ben, Dexter, and I were invited to a Christmas Eve morning celebration at Kim and Dylan's house. I brought over some Christmas crackers and we all got a kick out of popping them open and wearing our paper crowns. It was wonderful to spend easy time with family and friends - it really got us into the holiday spirit. Dexter got to play reindeer "poop" with Ian. Ian and Dexter played a "pizza-making" memory game with Elissa (I was so impressed at how well Dexter did listening!). The boys also played very nicely with Rosie the Cat (Dexter got excited when he saw the litter box and said, "Look Mommy! Rocks!" Luckily, I stopped him before he picked some up! And Scout, the dog, was never far from the action or the food! Just the right amount of chaos to make it feel like Christmas.

Special Delivery

Dexter was excited to open a box of Christmas gifts from Grandma and Grampy. It didn't take long for him to figure out he could fit in the box himself!

Christmas Cookies

Dexter and Mommy enjoyed making Christmas cookies to give away to friends. Despite our best efforts, the oven did not cooperate and we ended up with burnt bottoms and raw middles. Luckily, we had already made some peanut butter with kisses cookies that were suitable for distribution.