Saturday, March 9, 2013

Displays of New Knowledge

Dexy is learning so much new stuff every day and really gets a kick out of showing us.  In addition to letters and numbers, his teacher at "school" focuses on a new topic each week.  While Dexter doesn't explicitly tell us what the topic is, he finds way to display this newly acquired knowledge into daily life. For example, last night at dinner Dexter asked, "Does gravity pull you up or down?" Before Ben or I could answer (most likely with, "what do you think, Dexter?"), he turned to My Bologna and said, "Oh, no, My Bologna.  Gravity doesn't pull you up. It pulls you down." Then he turned to us and said, "My Bologna thought gravity pulls us up but he's wrong.  It pulls us down."  Poor My Bologna - being called out for being ignorant about gravity.