Sunday, June 17, 2012

Powdered Sugar Donut

 Our neighbor, Karen, had recommended the fresh donuts at a nearby farmer's market. I had been trying to come up with ways for Dexter and me to have some early morning time out of the house together in order to give Ben some well-deserved sleep-in time on Saturday mornings so this seemed like a good idea.
 Yesterday morning, Dexter and I got dressed, picked up some coffee/water, filled the car with gas, and schlepped off to check out the farmers market and find these donuts.
 The farmer's market was great.  It was lively at 7am but not packed. Dexter and I eventually found the famous donuts (just had to look for the long line) and bought a few to bring home.
We all enjoyed them but I think Dexter enjoyed them the most.

"Where are the termites?!"

Dexter recently got a video from the library called, "The Big Renovation".  As might be expected, it is a video of a complete home renovation.  As might not be expected, it goes into in-depth segments about different aspects of a home renovation project such as "how to create and interpret blueprints", "how ceramic tiles are made", and "the lumber processing process".  During the demolition phase of the renovation, when the workers were discovering and replacing damaged wood, the in-depth segment was all about termites.  More than anyone needs to know about termites.  Up close and personal videos of termites.  Dexter is consistently captivated during this segment.  Mommy leaves the room.

The other day Daddy reported back that during their morning walk, they passed a house being renovated and Dexter stood on the front lawn yelling, "Where are the termites?!"