Sunday, June 17, 2012

"Where are the termites?!"

Dexter recently got a video from the library called, "The Big Renovation".  As might be expected, it is a video of a complete home renovation.  As might not be expected, it goes into in-depth segments about different aspects of a home renovation project such as "how to create and interpret blueprints", "how ceramic tiles are made", and "the lumber processing process".  During the demolition phase of the renovation, when the workers were discovering and replacing damaged wood, the in-depth segment was all about termites.  More than anyone needs to know about termites.  Up close and personal videos of termites.  Dexter is consistently captivated during this segment.  Mommy leaves the room.

The other day Daddy reported back that during their morning walk, they passed a house being renovated and Dexter stood on the front lawn yelling, "Where are the termites?!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA....Wonder if the neighbors heard me????