Saturday, May 30, 2009

Brave Daddy

After Dexter's last bath, I asked Ben if he would put some on some lotion before dressing him. I came into the living room to see Dexy on the floor, butt naked, getting rubbed down with lotion and said, "Daddy is sooo brave to put your lotion on before he puts your diaper on." No sooner had I finished the thought than Dexter started peeing all over Ben, himself, and the floor.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Quiet Couch Sitting

Dexter can't take his eyes off My Bologna. Notice how well Dexter is sitting?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Quiet Time

Dexter and My Bologna take a break from playing to gnaw on their toys of choice.

Rocket Man

One of Dexter and Daddy's favorite activities...

More Babysitting Adventures

Abby came over for a couple of hours yesterday to watch Dexter so Ben and I could finish planting the garden and do some cleaning. As you can see from the photos, Dexter is almost as big as Abby! Despite her difficulties maneuvering him, she managed to feed him a bottle, change his clothes, take him for a stroll in his Bob, and play with him on the floor. He really took to her - all smiles and giggles. Any bets on how long it will be before he outweighs her?

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Sitter and The Shitter

Madoka just sent me this photo of Sky and Dexy from last weekend. Sky is "the Sitter" - he was sitting like a champ while Dexter was struggling to stay balanced while sitting. Dexy is "the Shitter" - while Dexter was regularly filling his diaper with mega-poops, poor Sky hadn't done a poop for days and Madoka was hoping he would be inspired by Dexy and get one out before the plane ride (turns out he got a big stinky one out ON the plane) .

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Corn-Fed Frenzy

Grandma and Gunker sent Dexter some teething toys. This one had a note that said it vibrates when the corn is pressed and we could hold it down until Dexter got the hang of how to do it himself. Sure enough, Dexter didn't need any help - he chomped right down on it and hasn't taken it out of his mouth since.

Monday, May 18, 2009

One Day Early

Madoka predicted it would happen tomorrow but today Dexter grasped how to use his little body to sit upright. Ben was with him and said that they were practicing sitting when Dexter almost lost his balance and used his arms to balance himself. Not only did he do it but he also realized what he had done, looking at Daddy and smiling proudly. He hasn't yet mastered the skill but I have to give him props for "getting it".

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Back to Belly

Another milestone! While Dexter was lying on his back on his special blanket this morning, Ben went to change the CD and when he came back Dexter had rolled over from his back to his belly.

Madoka predicts that on Tuesday, Dexter will be able to sit fairly steadily. Right now, he keeps throwing his head and torso backwards despite all our efforts to center him forward. He'd much rather stand than sit at this point.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Daddy Time

And they couldn't be happier (babies and Dads!).

"Out" on The Town

Both Dexter and Sky fell asleep while at Martyr's for Dave's KIF gig.

First Friends

Just like their Mommies, Dexter and Sky are first friends. Looks like the friendship is off to a good start to last a lifetime, just like their Mommies.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Exploring Faces

For the past week or so, Dexter has been grabbing my glasses but it has seemed kind of accidental. He has also been a longtime fan of trying to eat my face - mostly my chin and cheeks. Today, however, he began earnestly exploring my face with his hands touching my mouth, nose, ears, and glasses. He was concentrating so hard I could almost see the little connections being made in his brain.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

No Pants

Poor Dexter is getting a little too "large" for his Bumbo. In order to fit into it, he now needs to eat his dinner with no pants on.

Rock 'em Sock 'em Cowboy

Check out Dexy's cowboy boot socks.

Hatty Mother's Day!

Ben and I spent most of the day sorting out Dexter's clothes. In the process, he tried on a lot of hats (and My Bologna did too).

Mastered the Skill

Dexter has, however, mastered the "toes in mouth" skill.

Hasn't Quite Mastered the Skill

We are looking forward to the day when Dexter can stick his pacifier in his mouth by himself. Right now, it's all about exploring the whole thing with his mouth.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Qualitative Methods in Evaluation Webinar

Here is how Dexter and I spent the last 10 minutes of the webinar on qualitative methods today (you can hear Dr. Summers expounding on her appreciation for the method in the background). In the spirit of the webinar, let's consider the video to be qualitative data submitted for interpretation of Dexter's relationship with the crab.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wiggle Worms for Our Wigglebutts

Since Dexter is so social and loves to move to music, we are planning to try to get him into the next WiggleWorms session at Old Town School of Folk Music. They have Sunday sessions so we could do it as a family. We were inspired by Sky, who as you can tell in the picture, is captivated by story-time. Let's hope our little Wigglebutts is as well-behaved as Sky.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Grandparents Lansing

The Gunker Train

Dexter looks so good as the engineer on the Gunker Train!

Friday, May 1, 2009

New Buddy

After Hot Doug's, we dropped by for an impromptu visit with Michael, Lindy, and their 4 month old, Graham. The musician Dads can't wait for Dexter and Graham to start a band!

Hot Doug's

We had a birthday lunch for Daddy at Hot Doug's today. Since we went to Hot Doug's after every OB appointment when I was pregnant, it was not surprising that Dexy felt right at home! As usual he was obsessed with watching people eat.